Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

ace of pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


New job opportunities.

Increased abundance.

A new offer on the table.

Negotiating a pay rise.

Feeling secure.

Making good financial decisions.

improvement in health and security.


Decrease in income.

Loss of security.

Wasted opportunity. 

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings upright

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings in a general reading

Ace of Pentacles tarot card denotes a new beginning in your financial situation and an opportunity to deepen your security. This opportunity can come in a way of a new financial understanding. It can be a job offer, a relationship (especially when surrounded by cups), or an idea that will bring you prosperity. This is a good time to start new and establish a secure foundation for yourself. Ace of pentacles tarot card often shows up when the Seeker has decided to look after themselves better, both physically and emotionally. 

Ace of pentacles in the Vision Quest

Ace of pentacles, like all the Aces, speak of the Seeker deciding to go within and discover a deeper part of themselves. This is symbolised by the path way through the arch.

Ace of pentacles in a love reading

In a love reading, Ace of pentacles tarot card speaks of an abundant relationship. This is the kind of relationship that offers the couple security. The couple’s health and well-being increase as a result, and their finances improve. They are more powerful together than what they are apart. If the Seeker is single, Ace of pentacles denotes focusing on health and fitness will bring the Seeker love.

Ace of pentacles in a career reading

In a career reading, Ace of pentacles tarot card signifies a new job opportunity often with unlimited earning potential. Ace of pentacles also speaks of careers in business, real estate, and the health and fitness industry.

Ace of pentacles as feelings

Ace of pentacles as feelings speaks of the seeker feeling ready for a new beginning. They also feel secure and ready to receive their divine gifts.

Ace of pentacles as Personality types

Ace of pentacles as personality type is someone who is very good with money, who is career-oriented and innovative. Security and physical happiness are vital to this person. Ace of pentacles people looks after themselves both physically and emotionally. They avoid toxic toxic environments at all costs.

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed

Ace of Pentacles tarot card reversed indicates financial losses and a decrease in security. There might have been anticipation in regards to increased income and wealth which didn’t eventuate. Ace of pentacles reversed can also indicate greed and lack of generosity.

Ace of pentacles reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Ace of pentacles reversed as a personality type can speak of someone whose money slips through their fingers. This could be someone who is constantly short of cash. This card reversed can also speak of issues with commitment and self-acceptance. This card reversed can speak of someone who consumes in a very unsustainable way.  Ace of pentacles reversed as personality types also indicate the Seeker has unhealthy lifestyle habits. 

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings Summary:

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings denotes a time of increased abundance and opportunity to deepen your security. Ace of pentacles signifies an opportunity to learn about your beliefs about money and security.

Ace Of Pentacles(AOP) Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Ace of pentacles:

AOP + Ace of cups: A stable new relationship. Moving in together. 

AOP + Two of cups: Abundance in a relationship. 

AOP + Two of swords: Tight with money. 

AOP + Eight of swords: In the dark about money. 

AOP + King of swords: Debt collector. Competitive business. 

AOP + Ace of wands: A new career. 

AOP + Three of wands: Publishing. 

AOP + Four of wands: A successful business. Business through word of mouth. 

AOP + King of wands: A businessman. 

AOP + Two of pentacles: Turning a hobby into income. 

AOP + Three of pentacles: A productive team. 

AOP + Page of pentacles: Investing in yourself. 

AOP + The Magician: Abundance in the sales industry. Business skills. 

AOP + The Hermit: Opportunity to teach. 

AOP + The World: Government job. Government funding. Earning money overseas.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here. 

Learn the Meanings of Ace of Cups, Ace of Wands, and Ace of Swords

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