Basic Tarot card meanings

tarot card basic meaning

Tarot Basic Cheat Sheet

This is a sneak cheat post that you can use to remember the basic tarot card meanings.

Major Arcana cards basic meaning


Upright: The unknown

Reversed: Delays


Upright: Innovation.

Reversed: Misunderstandings.

High Priestess:

Upright: Intuition

Reversed: Manipulations.


Upright: Fertility

Reversed: Neglect


Upright: Authority

Reversed: Chaos


Upright: Tradition

Reversed: Hypocrisy


Upright: Union

Reversed: Separation


Upright: Victory

Reversed: Defeat


Upright: Passion

Reversed: Fear


Upright: Solitude

Reversed: Isolation

Wheel of Fortune:

Upright: Fortune

Reversed: Stagnation


Upright: Truth

Reversed: Lies

Hanged Man:

Upright: Reflection

Reversed: Stubbornness.


Upright: Endings

Reversed: Limbo


Upright: Harmony

Reversed: Impatience.


Upright: Obsession

Reversed: Freedom


Upright: Catastrophe

Reversed: Control


Upright: Optimism

Reversed: Darkness


Upright: Imagination

Reversed: Paranoia.


Upright: Success

Reversed: Failure


Upright: Rebirth

Reversed: Regrets


Upright: Fulfillment

Reversed: Incomplete

The Suit of Pentacles:

Ace of Pentacles

Upright: Money

Reversed: Debt

Two of Pentacles

Upright: Bartering

Reversed: Impractical

Three of Pentacles

Upright: Expertise

Reversed: Mediocrity

Four of Pentacles

Upright: Wealth

Reversed: Greed

Five of Pentacles

Upright: Hardship

Reversed: Helplessness

Six of Pentacles

Upright: Charity

Reversed: Cruelty

Seven of Pentacles

Upright: Perseverance

Reversed: Unemployment.

Eight of Pentacles

Upright: Apprenticeship

Reversed: Skill-shortage.

Nine of Pentacles

Upright: Luxury

Reversed: Dependency.

Ten of Pentacles

Upright: Inheritance

Reversed: Restrictions.

Page of Pentacles:

Upright: Student

Reversed: Rookie

Knight of Pentacles:

Upright: Efficient

Reversed: Inexperienced

Queen of Pentacles:

Upright: Practical

Reversed: Unreasonable

King of Pentacles:

Upright: Dependable

Reversed: Hoarder

The suit of Wands:

Ace of Wands: 

Upright: Birth

Reversed: Unpromising

Two of Wands:

Upright: Decisions

Reversed: Dispute

Three of Wands: 

Upright: Enterprise

Reversed: Idleness

Four of Wands:

Upright: Homecoming

Reversed: Discord

Five of Wands: 

Upright: Opposition

Reversed: Timidness

Six of Wands: 

Upright: Popularity

Reversed: Disapproval

Seven of Wands: 

Upright: Defense

Reversed: Yielding

Eight of Wands:

Upright: Progress

Reversed: Stagnation

Nine of Wands:

Upright: Persistence

Reversed: Weakness

Ten of Wands:

Upright: Responsibility

Reversed: Impractical

Page of Wands:

Upright: Energetic

Reversed: Passive

Knight of Wands:

Upright: Competitive

Reversed: Apathy

Queen of Wands:

Upright: Charismatic

Reversed: Fatigue

King of Wands:

Upright: Entrepreneur

Reversed: Charlatan

The suit of Swords:

Ace of Swords:

Upright: Potential

Reversed: Improbable

Two of Swords:

Upright: Compromise

Reversed: Conflicts

Three of Swords:

Upright: Heartache

Reversed: Torment

Four of Swords:

Upright: Peace

Reversed: Disturbance

Five of Swords:

Upright: Battle

Reversed: Treachery

Six of Swords:

Upright: Solutions

Reversed: Trouble

Seven of Swords:

Upright: Scheming

Reversed: Clumsiness

Eight of Swords:

Upright: Confusion

Reversed: Escaping

Nine of Swords:

Upright: Worry

Reversed: Martyrdom

Ten of Swords:

Upright: Suffering

Reversed: Sabotage

Page of Swords:

Upright: Cleverness

Reversed: Stupidity

Knight of Swords:

Upright: Action

Reversed: Boredom

Queen of Swords:

Upright: Organized

Reversed: Ineffective

King of Swords:

Upright: Intellectual

Reversed: Foolish

The suit of Cups:

Ace of Cups:

Upright: Love

Reversed: Indifferent

Two of Cups:

Upright: Intimacy

Reversed: Abandonment

Three of Cups:

Upright: Celebration

Reversed: Jealousy

Four of Cups:

Upright: Contemplation

Reversed: Avoidance

Five of Cups: 

Upright: Grief

Reversed: Alienation

Six of Cups:

Upright: Reunion

Reversed: Discouraging

Seven of Cups:

Upright: Wishes

Reversed: Lethargic

Eight of Cups:

Upright: Vision

Reversed: Sacrifice

Nine of Cups:

Upright: Satisfaction

Reversed: Disintegration

Ten of Cups:

Upright: Bliss

Reversed: Disruption

Page of Cups:

Upright: Creative

Reversed: Gloomy

Knight of Cups:

Upright: Romance

Reversed: Cynicism

Queen of Cups:

Upright: Intuition

Reversed: Ignorance

King of Cups:

Upright: Mentor

Reversed: Selfishness

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