Birds Lenormand Card Meaning
The meaning of the twelfth Lenormand card, birds, is a couple. Birds also signify a group and conversations.
Birds Lenormand Card In The Grand Tableau.
Birds in Rider position: Joining a new group. Meeting a new couple.
Birds in Clover position: A lucky couple. A fortunate group of people.
Birds in Ship position: Couple going overseas. Group travelling together.
Birds in House position: A real estate. A couple of houses. Family unit. Neighbourhood.
Birds in Tree position: Group health. Nature.
Birds in Clouds position: Confusion with a couple. Confusion with a group of people.
Birds in Snake position: Deceitful gossip. A group who lies.
Birds in Coffin position: End of a group.
Birds in Bouquet position: Happy couple. Gift from a couple.
Birds in Scythe position: Group decisions.
Birds in Whip position: Couple arguing. Debating.
Birds in Birds position: Bigger groups. Several groups.
Birds in Child position: Couple with a child. A group of children.
Birds in Fox position: Colleagues. A couple working together.
Birds in Bear position: Power couple.
Birds in Star position: Sharing a dream with a group. Common interest. Interest group.
Birds in Stork position: Changes to a couple. Changes to a group.
Birds in Dog position: A pet bird. A friendly group. A friendly couple.
Birds in Tower position: A political party. A legal group.
Birds in Garden position: A public group. Workshops. A public couple.
Birds in Mountain position: A couple facing obstacles. Obstacles within a group. A difficult conversation.
Birds in Crossroad position: Conversation about a decision.
Birds in Mice position: Stressful group. Stressful conversation. Conflict in a group.
Birds in Heart position: Couple in love.
Birds in Ring position: Couple getting married. Verbal contract.
Birds in Book position: A secret conversation. Studying communication.
Birds in Letter position: Mail about or from a couple. The conversation about documents.
Birds in Man position: Conversation about a man. A men’s group.
Birds in Woman position: Conversation about a female. A woman’s group.
Birds in Lily position: Elder couple. A group of retirees.
Birds in Sun position: Successful couple.
Birds in Moon position: Romantic couple.
Birds in Key position: Important conversation.
Birds in Fish position: Business negotiations.
Birds in Anchor position: A stable couple. A long-lasting couple or group.
Birds in Cross position: Difficult conversation. Grief counselling.