The Sun Tarot Card The traditional meaning of the Sun tarot card is Success. The Sun speaks of making good decisions, vitality, clarity, and truth. Learn more about the Sun tarot card meanings here. The Moon in the Grand Tableau Sun in Fool position: A happy new beginning. A happy child/childhood. Sun in Magician position: A clear mind. […]
The World
The World tarot card combinations Traditional meaning of the World tarot card is completion. World denotes knowing where you belong and feeling connected to the world you live in. The World tarot card is about achieving. It also means you are accountable and mature in your actions. Learn more about the World tarot card meanings. […]
Judgement Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of Judgement tarot card is Rebirth. Judgement tarot card speaks of being humble, listening to higher powers and living life with purpose. Judgement denotes taking responsibility for your life. Learn more about Judgement tarot card meanings here. Judgement in the Grand Tableau Judgement in F
The Moon
The Moon Tarot Card The traditional meaning of the Moon tarot card is imagination. The Moon speaks of instincts, intuition, dreams, illusions, creativity, and the subconscious. Learn more about the Moon tarot card meanings here. The Moon in the Grand Tableau Moon in Fool position: Creating a new reality. Moon in Magician position: Emotional market
The Star
The Star Tarot card Combinations The traditional meaning of the Star is hope. The Star denotes being optimistic about one’s future. The Star speaks of being of service to make the world a better place. Learn more about the Star tarot card meanings here. The Star in the Grand Tableau Star in Fool position: Reinvention. […]
The Tower
The Tower Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of the Tower tarot card is destruction. The Tower can speak of confrontation, war and anger. Learn more about the Tower tarot card meanings here. The Tower in the Grand Tableau Tower in Fool position: A dramatic new beginning. Finding out a shocking truth through social media. Tower in [&hel
The Devil
The Devil Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of the Devil tarot card is Negativity. The Devil speaks of what bonds us in negative behaviours. The Devil can be a card that shows up when we are afraid. Learn more about the Devil tarot card meanings here. The Devil In the Grand Tableau Here are […]
Temperance tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Temperance tarot card is Balance. Temperance also denotes patience, well-being, and complimenting others. Learn more about Temperance tarot card meanings here. Temperance in the Grand Tableau Temperance in Fool position: Newfound well-being. Unexpected healing. Temperance in Magician po
Death tarot card Combinations The traditional meaning of Death tarot card is endings. Death signifies transformation of some kind. Learn more about Death tarot card meanings here. Death in the Grand Tableau Death in Fool position: New beginning coming to an end. Death in Magician position: Miscommunication, end of communication, skill shortage. De
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of the Hanged Man in tarot is a delay. Hanged Man also denotes sacrifice. A more positive way of reading the Hanged Man is innovation. Learn more about the Hanged Man tarot card meanings here. The Hanged Man in the Grand Tableau Hanged Man in Fool position: New beginning […]
Justice Tarot card combinations The Traditional meaning of Justice tarot card is Justice. Justice represents fairness, equality, cause and effect, and your Divine Right. Learn more about Justice tarot card meanings here. Justice in the Grand Tableau Justice in Fool position: New law. New justice. New moral. Letting go of guilt. Justice in Magician
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune Tarot card combinations The Traditional meaning of Wheel of Fortune tarot card is Destiny. Wheel of Fortune denotes expansion and a change for the better. Learn more about Wheel of Fortune tarot card meanings here. Wheel of Fortune in the Grand Tableau Wheel of Fortune in Fool position: New direction, new destiny. Beginners [&hell
The Hermit
The Hermit tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Hermit is teacher. The Hermit denotes looking within for the answers. The Hermit is insightful and wise. Learn more about the Hermit tarot card meanings here. The Hermit in the Grand Tableau Hermit in Fool position: New teacher. Back to school. Hermit in Magician position: Online cl
Strength tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of Strength is courage. Strength also denotes passion and determination. In the Grand Tableau the Strength card will show you what your strengths are. Learn more about Strength tarot card meanings here. Strength in the Grand Tableau Strength in Fool position: A new passion. Strong in social
The Chariot
The Chariot Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of the Chariot tarot card is victory, moving forward, and traveling. Learn more about the Chariot tarot card meanings here. The Chariot in the Grand Tableau Chariot in Fool position: Beginners luck. Backpacking. Chariot in Magician position: Victory in sales, winning an argument/debate. Ch
The Lovers
The Lovers tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Lovers tarot card is love, devotion, and doing what makes us whole. Learn more about the Lovers tarot card meanings here. The Lovers in the Grand Tableau Lovers in Fool position: New love. First love. Falling in love for the first time. Lovers in Magician position: […]
The Hierophant
The Hierophant tarot card combinations The traditional meanings of Hierophant are faith, traditions, rituals, and ceremony. While the Emperor speaks about the structure holding our society together; the Hierophant speaks of our spirituality keeping us ethically and morally together. Learn more about the Hierophant tarot card meanings here. The Hie
The Emperor
The Emperor tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Emperor is structure. The Emperor denotes being in control. It can also signify a high-powered position or self-employment. Learn more about the Emperor tarot card meanings here. The Emperor in the Grand Tableau Emperor in Fool position: Employing new staff, providing for others. R
The Empress
The Empress tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Empress is Abundance. The Empress can also denote a pregnancy, being a mother, beauty, and a happy relationship. Learn more about the Empress tarot card meanings here. The Empress in the Grand Tableau Empress in Fool position: Having a baby. A beautiful baby. A beautiful child. [&h
The High Priestess
The High Priestess tarot card The traditional meaning of the High Priestess is your intuition. The High Priestess also speaks of the women in your life and secrets. Learn more about the High Priestess tarot card meanings here. Find out what the High Priestess means in a love reading here. High Priestess in the Grand […]
The Magician
The Magician tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Magician is talent. Magician also signifies communication. Learn more about the Magician tarot card meanings here. The Magician in the Grand Tableau Magician in Fool position: A talent brings a new beginning. Magician in Magician position: Being very skillful. The gift of the gab.
The Fool
The Fool Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of The Fool is new beginnings. Fool also brings surprises and optimism to the table. Learn more about the Fool tarot card meanings here. The Fool in the Grand Tableau Fool in Fool position: An unexpected new Beginning. Fool in Magician position: Faking it until you are […]
The Major Arcana In the Grand Tableau
The Grand Tableau means the Big Picture and if you are familiar with the Lenormand card tradition you might have heard of the Grand Tableau method. The Grand Tableau is a way of reading cards where the cards fall in certain houses named after the cards to create a big picture for the reader to […]