Thor Vs Princess And The Pea Old fairytales are often a retelling of old Norse myths. In this case, the Princess and the Pea aims to summarise the deeper meaning of Thor. The story can be interpreted as an allegory for sensitivity, authenticity, and the hidden trials of true nobility. At its surface, the tale […]
Thor Before Thunder
The old norse myths are not about deities, but about a method of meditation to bring the Seeker into superconsciousness. Norse mythology as conveyed in the Poetic Edda speaks of the Seeker’s spiritual journey back to source. Odin is spiritual energy through the pineal gland to achieve omnipresence with Source. I have spoken about Odin [&helli
The surprising link between Heimdallr and The Frog Prince
If you have read my previous articles about Norse Mythology, you know now that Odin is the Yogic path back to Source energy. Loki is the human mind. All the characters in Norse Mythology are the same being, and the different aspects of the Seeker are revealed. Old Norse Myths are linked to spiritual practise […]
How did Freyr become Ingwaz
In this article, I explore the connection between the deity Freyr and the rune Ingwaz. For those familiar with the Runes, it is known that Ingwaz is Freyr’s rune, much like Ansuz is Odin’s rune. I will delve into why Ansuz is associated with Odin in a future article. To understand Freyr’s connection to Ingwaz, […]
Introducing Erin Lynn ~ Akashic Record Reader Extraordinaire.
Update! Erin Lynn has recently begun a YouTube channel where she will be talking about her different Starseed discoveries. Below is her channel introduction video. Akashic Record Reader, Erin Lynn It is not easy writing an introduction to someone like Erin Lynn. I have never met her in person, yet I feel the most unique […]
Pinocchio vs Odin ~ The Surprising True Meaning
I have discovered that Odin’s true meaning is linked to the Pineal Gland and the union with Source energy. The story of Pinocchio parallels Odin’s experience of hanging on Yggdrasil and merging with the Source. The name “Pinocchio” translates to “Pineal Nut.” At the beginning of the story, Pinocchio is not awaken
Odin is the Pineal Gland ~ I Have Proof
My journey with Odin started many years ago. During a spontaneous astral projection, I found myself in the void, a black space where I have since visited many times. Odin was there. He did not say, I am Odin, it was already known. A telepathic voice of truth was there telling me it was Odin. […]
Loki is Saturn ~ the veil between our worlds
To understand the true meaning of deities, it is helpful to interpret their names and the names of their children and spouses. Sometimes even the names of their siblings give vital clues. A common interpretation of Loki is that his name means fire, but this name could be from another deity called Logi (fire). I […]
Hella ~ Don’t Ignore her
Hella is the goddess of the underworld, however, I disagree that she is the goddess of the afterlife. Our Norse ancestors spoke in metaphors and parables. Hella is the holy goddess of the subconscious. She is who we meet on the holiest journey, the vision quest. She represents you and me on the subconscious level. […]
The True Meaning of Völund, The Smith.
In Norse mythology, Völund (also known as Wayland the Smith) is a legendary craftsman and blacksmith. His story is told in the Völundarkviða. He is considered to be one of the most skilled and celebrated smiths in all of mythology. According to popular and modern interpretations, Völund is an iconic figure in Norse mythology, representing […
Who is Rindr ~ A Misunderstood Norse Goddess
This old norse story speaks of the turning of the seasons, but it also has a spiritual meaning. I talk about the spiritual meaning in this video here: To understand Rindr, we must interpret the story where she is an active element, namely the story of how Höðr killed Baldur. Baldur, the god of […]
Goddess Frigga and her Avatars
Goddess Frigga is a powerful and revered figure in Norse mythology. She is the wife of Odin, the All-Father and the mother of Baldr, the god of light and purity. Frigga is known as the goddess of marriage, motherhood, and domestic affairs. She is also a skilled weaver and spinner, and it is said that […]
Tarot Artist James Flowerdew
Author, Illustrator, and Artist James Flowerdew is giving us a first look into his tarot deck and creative journey. There is a leaning towards the old french decks and the Visconti-Sforza deck, as well as many others. The most modern one is the Crowley Thoth deck. The Major Arcana is inspired by the Marseille Tarot. […]
Top ten Tarot cards for Nature
Perhaps the answer to your question is to connect to nature more. There are my top 10 cards for Nature is Calling you. You can also get this post as a Youtube tutorial on my channel here. Tarot cards and Nature connection Temperance: A bridge between heaven and earth is found in nature. Some places […]
End of Year Tarot Spread
How to Interpret the End of Year Tarot Spread The End of the Year is a time to reflect and at the same time look to the future. This spread is made to help the Seeker do both. If you get a negative card in card position 1 as I did (I got the tower), […]
How to read with Runes on a Rune table
The first thing you must do is to make your own rune table. A rune table is easy to make. I used contact paper on some plywood and then I cut out pictures in magazines that symbolised what I wanted on my rune table. You can use glue or tape to attach your pictures. How […]
Who is my Spirit Guide Tarot Spread
Connect to your Spirit Guide Tarot Spread I recommend doing some relaxation exercises before this spread. Card 1. Who is my Spirit guide? Card 2. How does my Spirit guide look like? Card 3. What does my Spirit Guide want me to know? Card 4. How does my Spirit Guide communicate to me? Card 5. […]
What house will you live in
What House Will I Live In ~ tarot spread This spread will also help you predict what type of personality your current house has. For this purpose, pull one card until the 1st Major Arcana card shows up. The video above explains how the energy of the house is affecting you. Fool: 4:51 Magician: 5:15 […]
Musical Talents in Tarot
How to Discover your Musical Talents in the Tarot Cards This tutorial was first shared with my Bundle students. Get the Youtube Video tutorial Here. Get full access to the Bundle (all courses included) here. Tarot Cards that can denote Musical gifts Eight of wands ~ A beautiful singing voice. Hanged Man ~ A unique voice. […]
How to read with Reversed tarot cards
Reversed Tarot Card ~ How to have a breakthrough Reversed cards can be viewed in a few different ways. It can be the opposite of the upright card OR my favorite: A Lesson Learned, But not let go of. Applying both methods is optimal. I look at reversed cards as an opportunity to have a […]
How to make your own Oracle Cards
Have you ever wanted to make your own Oracle deck, but you are not sure how to do it? Maybe you don’t feel you have any drawing skills, or you do have drawing skills and want to know how you can give you pictures a more magical look. I use between 3 and 5 smartphone […]
Where in the World tarot spread
Where in the World (should I move, will I travel, is my soulmate etc) ~ Tarot Spread This is a tarot spread that uses the Synchronicity of the cards, and not the card meanings, to determine Where in the World by the Tarot cards. There are several ways you can determine location, however, I find […]
Tarot Suit Cheat Sheet
Tarot Suit Cheat Sheet ~ Making Tarot Simple Please share this on social media and Pinterest and help make learning Tarot fun, simple, and quick! The rules are simple. Wands are your WANTS, Cups are YOUR UPS, Swords are your WORDS, and Pentacles are your LENDABLES. Click here to learn what the Tarot Suits mean […]
Basic Tarot card meanings
Tarot Basic Cheat Sheet This is a sneak cheat post that you can use to remember the basic tarot card meanings. Major Arcana cards basic meaning Fool: Upright: The unknown Reversed: Delays Magician: Upright: Innovation. Reversed: Misunderstandings. High Priestess: Upright: Intuition Reversed: Manipulations. Empress: Upright: Fertility Reversed: Negl
Bee Spirit Animal
Bee is represented by Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Go Back to the Main Spirit Animal Page here. Bee speaks of how you use your energy, especially at work. Bee encourages you to start something new in your life, and to see it through, even when the initial excitement has passed. Bee shows up to give you […]
Hummingbird Spirit Animal
Hummingbird is represented by The Fool Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit Animal page here. Hummingbird speaks of treating life as a big adventure. The worst thing you can do is to stay stagnant, you are meant to move with lightness and joy. You might even be drawn into difficult situations to show […]
Ace of Cups and predicting how local someone is
Ace of cups and predicting someone’s vicinity. Using the suit of cups to determine if you are from the same place. I often get asked during a soulmate reading: ‘Is this person from here?’ The only suit I find accurate in determine how local someone is is the suit of cups. The reason for this is that […]
Absent tarot cards
The Meaning of absent tarot cards Absent tarot cards in your reading can tell you heaps, some times even more than the tarot cards that are present. Here is a tutorial on how to read with absent tarot cards. Tarot is a system that can be divided into groups. If there is a lack of […]
The Tarot’s Hierarchy of Needs
Needs seen in the Tarot Cards Most of us have heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The tarot cards show a similar and strikingly insightful hierarchy of needs seen many places in its 78 cards. The first six Major Arcana cards have a strikingly similar structure to the needs seen in Maslow’s pyramid. Maslow’s Hierarchy […]
Opposing Tarot Cards
Opposite tarot cards in the deck One way I recommend studying Tarot is by learning by opposites. I had a major breakthrough in my own Tarot learning when I started studying the reversed meaning of the tarot. For example, the Death card always came across to me as a bit grim. The reversed meaning of […]
Hanged Man Tarot card love meaning
Is the Hanged Man a good card to get in a question about your love life? Yes, it is. Not because the Hanged Man is the most romantic tarot card in the deck, but because the Hanged Man gives you the ability to see something in a new light. It is a good card both […]
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Wheel of fortune a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Wheel of fortune turns up in the Seeker’s life to expand and lift up the seeker’s experiences. It often shows up when you least expect it and it creates amazing changes you might not even be ready […]
Hermit tarot card love meaning
Learn the traditional meaning of the Hermit tarot card here. Is the Hermit a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Hermit is the card for letting go of old baggage, and to move forward free from emotional attachments to the past. The Hermit denotes a new beginning in your […]
Hierophant Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Hierophant a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Hierophant is all about commitment. When the Hierophant shows up in your Tarot reading it denotes there is a deepening in your security in your life. If you are asking about your love life the Hierophant speaks of a commitment […]
Emperor Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Emperor a good card to get in a Love reading? The answer is yes if you are business oriented and you want to get ahead in the world. The Emperor speaks of love that both heals and hurts at the same time. The Emperor expects so much of you, both on a professional […]
Archetypal Tarot Court Cards
Archetypal Tarot Court cards and the people who harbour their energies. Archetypes Tarot court cards are models of people and their behaviour. According to Myer-Biggs personality indicator, there are 16 personality types. Interestingly there are 16 tarot court cards. Each court card is an archetypal identification of the 16 personality types. Most
How to read Tarot with regular playing cards
Tarot can be read using a simple deck of playing cards. The 52 cards of the playing deck can be translated into the 56 minor arcana cards. This is how you do it. Playing cards vs Tarot cards Hearts Cups Spades Swords Diamonds Pentacles Clubs Wands Correspondence Hears/cups: Love and creativity Spades/Swords: Thoughts and conflict […]