Donkey Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Donkey is represented by Page of Swords Tarot Card Donkey Spirit signifies the true meaning of Being of Service without losing your individuality. Donkey Spirit teaches eagerness and intelligence. Donkey helps those who wants to be of service in their own unique way, to create something wonderful and then share it with others. Donkey Spirit aids th

Alligator Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Alligator is represented by Four of Swords Tarot Card Alligator Spirit signifies patience and regeneration. Alligator Spirit protects from manipulation and teaches how to bid your time for best result. Alligator Spirit gives you the Power to Survive. Alligator Spirit teaches to be mindful what you consume; physically, spiritually and intellectually

Dove Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Dove is represented by Knight of Cups Tarot Card Dove Spirit signifies being the bringer of love and peace. Dove Spirit teaches gentleness and the appreciation of the simple things in life. Dove helps people communicate in a way that brings union, joy, love and peace to the World. Dove helps people rid themselves of thoughts and emotions […]

Salmon Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Salmon is represented by the Hermit Tarot Card Salmon Spirit signifies spiritual wisdom and the ability to swim against the current to reach Source; meaning connecting and being one with All That Is. The Salmon is considered the wisest of animals. Salmon spirit teaches how you can swim against the current using reverse current flowing beneath the [

Badger Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Badger is represented by Strength Tarot Card Badger Spirit signifies the path from insecure to confident. Badger is the teacher of owning your path and owning who you are. Badger signifies going after what you want until you have it, and doing what it takes to achieve. When Badger is in your life you might find yourself […]

Crow Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Crow is represented by Queen of Wands Tarot Card Crow Spirit signifies paying attention to Omens and an interest in the Occult. Crow helps you live a life with integrity and is the Spirit Animal for those who want to teach others. Crow Spirit aids in clearing your mind to see what it is you want to manifest. […]

Bear Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Bear is represented by Eight of Cups Tarot Card Bear Spirit signifies going inward and choosing a path which is truly fulfilling. Bear is linked to the Ursa Major star constellation symbolizing following your star and reaching for the stars. You might be drawn towards the Northern Hemisphere when Bear Spirit is guiding you. Bear Spirit helps you kn

Elephant Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Elephant is represented by King of Cups Tarot Card Elephant Spirit signifies being loyal, especially to family. Elephant Spirit helps you understand yourself better, and to help yourself before you attempt helping others. Elephant Spirit aids those in the medical, science and research field. Elephant Spirit teaches how to learn and retain knowledge

Dolphin Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Dolphin is represented by Four of Wands Tarot Card Dolphin Spirit signifies being able to live in two worlds at once. Dolphin teaches how to balance serious tasks with joyful play. Dolphin Spirit helps you practice more love and joy into your daily life. Dolphin aids those who care for the sick, for children and people who for whatever […]

Eagle Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Eagle is represented by the Hierophant Tarot Card Eagle Spirit signify messages from heaven. When Eagle flies into your life it is time to connect deeper to your spiritual life. Eagle Spirit helps you see what is important. Eagle Spirit teaches you to rise above what is dragging you down. It is time to listen carefully to your intuition, as you [&h

Wolf Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Wolf is represented by the World Tarot Card Wolf Spirit signifies being on a journey to master something. Wolf spirit assists the student of life to become the best version of themselves. Wolf helps people who are experiencing their dark night of the Soul. Wolf howls to your Moon (your fears and illusions) to wake you up and […]

Swan spirit animal

Spirit animal

Swan is represented by Ace of Cups Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit animal page here.  Swan Spirit signifies embracing beauty and grace as part of your everyday life. Swan helps you get in touch with your inner poet. Swan spirit helps you out of the mundane and into the world of art and love. […]

Bat Spirit Animals

Spirit animal

Bat is represented by the Star Tarot Card Bat Spirit signifies letting go of unhealthy ego, and you are called to put your efforts wholeheartedly towards spiritual development. The Bat denotes rebirth from the cave you have been hiding yourself in. Bats are very sociable animals, and you are encouraged to make connections in your life with like-min

Frog Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Frog is represented by Two of Cups Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit animal page here.  Frog Spirit signifies empathy and helping others cleanse from negative emotions. Frog helps healers and counselors. Frog teaches the ability to relate to others and being there for others. Frog helps people empower themselves. Frog Spirit teaches emotional h

Owl Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Owl is represented by Ten of Swords Tarot Card Owl Spirit signifies endings and is traditional seen as the announcer of Death. Owl gives you a choice to be reborn within your physical body or to return home beyond the veil. Either way, things cannot stay the same. Owl helps people see an alternative way of life. Owl Spirit helps facilitate psychic

Dragonfly Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Dragonfly is represented by Knight of Swords Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit animal page here.  Dragonfly Spirit connects with people drawn to the fairy realm. These people often become activists, tirelessly standing up for Nature. Dragonfly signifies the ability to be serious and light-hearted at once. Dragonfly assists people to raise a ser

Orca Spirit Animal

Power AnimalsSpirit animal

Orca is represented by The Emperor Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Orca signifies family, stability, and security in a love relationship. Orcas mate for life. Orca Spirit watches over travelers, both through spiritual and physical journeys. Orca brings Soul Family closer together. Orca also signifies the Master teacher and communicator. Or