Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings upright
Eight of pentacles tarot car meanings in a general reading
Eight of Pentacles tarot card denotes craftsmanship in regards to work. It can also mean doing an apprenticeship and/or learning a new skill. This skill is something you care deeply about and you feel absorbed in your work. Make sure you don’t get so absorbed in the details that you miss the big picture. You are putting in the hours at work, make sure you have time to have fun as well.
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings in a love reading
In a love reading, Eight of pentacles tarot card signifies meeting love while at a seminar, learning a new craft or skill. If the Seeker is in a relationship Eight of pentacles denotes the couple shares a similar creative passion.
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings in a career reading
In a career reading, Eight of pentacles tarot card speaks of apprenticeship and internship. Eight of pentacles can also denote the Seeker is doing the groundwork for a company. It can speak of trades.
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings as feelings
Eight of pentacles tarot card as feelings speaks of the seeker feeling motivated by a new skill they are learning about. The seeker feels hopeful for the future and creating change in their lives by working in a special field they are interested in.
Eight of pentacles tarot card as Personality types
Eight of pentacles tarot card is someone who is practical and skillful. They love the initial stages of a project where there is learning, researching, and growing involved. Eight of pentacles people often have great attention to detail and ability to concentrate. This is someone who can easily become a workaholic.
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed
Eight of Pentacles tarot card reversed indicates tedious work with little gains. The seeker might be overdue for a promotion they deserve but are not getting. There could be problems with concentration at work. This card reversed can speak of chaos in the workplace.
Eight of pentacles tarot card reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Eight of pentacles reversed can speak of it being too much resentment and fear of failure. The seeker might want to learn something new, but are afraid of change. This card reversed can speak of someone who needs to pay more attention to details. It is often hard to concentrate when this card is reversed.
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings summary
Eight of pentacles tarot card meanings speak of learning new skills. If you are new in a job you might find that you are gaining momentum fast and people are depending on you straight from the start. If you are a student this is a very good card as it denotes being able to put theory into practice with ease.
Eight Of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Eight of pentacles:
8 of pentacles + The Empress: Home renovation.
8 of pentacles + The Hierophant: Spiritual work.
8 of pentacles + The Hermit: Learning an old skill. Learning from books. Being self-taught.
8 of pentacles + The Hanged Man: Research and inventions.
8 of pentacles + The Moon: Creative crafts.
8 of pentacles + Ace of wands: Learning to use tools.
8 of pentacles + Eight of wands: Learning and working with new technology.
8 of pentacles + Nine of wands: Pressure at work.
8 of pentacles + Ten of wands: Unable to say no. Need for stronger boundaries.
8 of pentacles + Knight of wands: A tradesman.
8 of pentacles + Ace of cups: Investing time into doing what you love.
8 of pentacles + Three of cups: Having fun at work.
8 of pentacles + Seven of cups: Jack of all trades.
8 of pentacles + Knight of cups: An artist.
8 of pentacles + Two of pentacles: Investing more time into your hobbies.
8 of pentacles + Page of pentacles: Investing all your time into your study.
8 of pentacles + King of pentacles: Business apprentice.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here.
Learn the Meanings of Eight of Cups, Eight of Wands, and Eight of Swords.
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