Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

eight of swords

Eight of Swords Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Confused about what to do. 

Fear of failure.

Afraid of making the wrong decisions.

Unable to move forward. Being stuck.

Wanting to be rescued.

Not trusting in yourself enough.

Being kept in the dark.

Lacking direction.


Overly self-conscious.

Wanting to go back in time.

Escaping in head-space.

Eight of swords tarot card meanings upright

Eight of swords in a general reading

Eight of Swords tarot card denotes being stuck and unable to move on due to confusion and not knowing what is going on. Often people draw this card when they doubt their own gut feeling and follow the crowd instead.

Eight of swords in the Vision Quest

When the Seeker goes on the quest in the Suit of Swords, it is to still their mind from everything that is troubling them. This gets harder and harder as the mind becomes more and more turbulent. In Eight of Swords, the Seeker ‘binds’ up their mind to still their mind away from the disturbances seen in Seven of swords.

Eight of swords in a love reading

In a love reading, Eight of Swords tarot card can mean the Seeker is unsure what they want in a relationship. The Seeker’s status in the outside world could affect how they think about relationship.

Eight of swords in a career reading

Eight of swords can also mean the Seeker is unsure about what career is best for them, or how they can advance in their chosen field.

Eight of swords as feelings

Eight of swords as feelings speak of the Seeker feeling unsure. The Seeker could feel self-conscious and they are taking a wait and see approach. They don’t want to make a decision and they are often afraid to listen to advice when this card shows up.

Eight of Swords as Personality types

Eight of swords as a person denotes someone who is very cerebral. Eight of swords reversed people tend to feel a bit misunderstood. There could be issues with communications.

Eight of swords tarot card meanings reversed

Eight of Swords tarot card reversed indicates a person who is unsure how to proceed towards their goal. There could be missing information. This card often shows up when the seeker wants to return to an earlier stage of their life. It can speak of regrets.

Eight of Swords reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Eight of swords reversed as a person denotes someone who is prone to self-sabotage. They are trying to redeem themselves but find it hard to move forward. Eight of sword reversed can speak of someone who is afraid to grab the opportunities that come their way. They could believe that the truth hurts and therefore bury their heads further into the sand.

Eight of swords tarot card meanings summary

Eight of swords tarot card often shows up when it is difficult moving forward due to breakdown in communication. There could be missing information preventing the Seeker from being able to see situation clearly. Sometimes this card shows up when the answer is very obvious, but the Seeker is for some reason unable to see it.

Eight Of Swords Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Eight of swords:

8 of swords + The Magician: Receiving mixed messages. 

8 of swords + The Emperor: Unpredictability. Unfinished business. 

8 of swords + The Hanged Man: Fear of upsetting others. 

8 of swords + The Devil: A limiting situation. Isolation. 

8 of swords + Four of wands: Worrying about what others think. 

8 of swords + Six of wands: Wanting to be popular. Trying to be cool. 

8 of swords + Ten of wands: Escaping at work. Workaholic. 

8 of swords + Ace of cups: Disbelief. 

8 of swords + Two of cups: Miscommunication in relationships. 

8 of swords + Queen of cups: Writer’s block. Creative blocks. 

8 of swords + Three of pentacles: Unhappy at work. 

8 of swords + Four of pentacles: Financial lessons. 

8 of swords + Ace of swords: Changing your mind. 

8 of swords + Two of swords: Afraid of upsetting others. 

8 of swords + Three of swords: Fear of getting hurt. 

8 of swords + Knight of swords: Confused due to propaganda.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Swords Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of Eight of WandsEight of Pentacles, and Eight of Cups. 

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