King of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

king of cups

King of Cups Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Being emotionally strong. Very diplomatic.

A very knowledgeable person. 

A benevolent protector.

Having highly developed social skills.

A very well liked person.

Living an alternative lifestyle.

A friend you can count on.

Someone who defuses tense situations.


Poor leadership.

Cultural intolerance.

Attention seeking.

Malicious behaviour.

King of cups tarot card meanings upright

King of cups tarot card meanings in a general reading

In situations, King of cups denotes being diplomatic, mature and respectful. This is the card for being connected deeply to your life and caring about those in it. This is the card for growing up emotionally and spiritually. It can speak of your most evolved guide stepping in to elevate you.

King of cups in the Vision Quest

The throne speaks of the seat of the soul, the pineal gland. In each cup court card, the seeker becomes more connected to Source, symbolised by the Sea. In King of cups he is both in the sea (with Source) and he is individualised at the same time. The journey that started in Page of cups has been completed.

King of cups tarot card meanings in a love reading

In a love reading, King of cups tarot card can mean falling in love with your best friend. If in a relationship King of cups denotes a deep friendship between the couple.

King of cups tarot card meanings in a career reading

In a career reading, King of cups tarot card can mean you are about to be recognised in a big way. This card speaks of work that you care deeply about. King of cups also denotes careers as vets and doctors, CEO, managers or healers. This is the card for being very understanding of other people’s needs. This is often the secret to success in career when this card shows up.

King of cups as Feelings

When King of Cups appears as feelings, it often represents someone who is very emotionally mature, compassionate, and balanced. King of Cups as a person can also indicate someone who is very wise and experienced in matters of the heart. They may have a deep understanding of their own emotions and may be able to offer guidance and support to others.

However, the King of Cups can sometimes indicate someone who is too emotionally detached or overly controlled in their approach to relationships. This person may need to develop a greater sense of vulnerability and openness in order to connect with their partner on a deeper emotional level.

King of cups as feelings speak of feeling a deep divine love. This card can speak of accessing higher love and gaining the ability to love unconditionally. This card also speak of feeling confident and competent due to a stronger connection to Source. King of cups can also speak of being an old soul similar to the Hermit. 

King of cups as Personality types

King of cups as a person denotes a protector, leader and mentor. They are great with people and often find themselves leading the way. King of cups people are very spiritual. They are emphatic and intuitive. They trust their instincts.

King of cups tarot card meanings reversed

King of Cups tarot card reversed indicates someone who is blocked expressing their feelings, and who is unable to motivate themselves and others. This card reversed can indicate someone with a selfish streak, often born from fear of rejection. King of cups tarot card reversed sometimes shows up in a reading when there is a lack of positive leadership.

King of cups reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

King of cups reversed can speak of intolerance and childishness. This card reversed can also speak of someone who is not telling you how they really feel. They often internalise their feelings. They might be more comfortable telling due to being punished for honesty earlier in their life. Sometimes they think they will be accepted if they erase all of their boundaries. This makes it worse for them and they often become exhausted by the lack of support in their life. They need to value themselves more.

King of cups tarot card meanings summary

King of cups tarot card denotes achieving at the highest level. It is a very spiritual card and it can speak of accessing divine love and being able to love unconditionally. It has a similar vibration to the Hermit tarot card. This card shows up when you know who you are on a much deeper level than before. 

King of Cups (KOC) Tarot Card Combination.

Some important tarot card combinations involving King of cups (KOC).

(KOC) + The Magician: Public speaking.

(KOC) + The Devil: A manipulator.

(KOC) + The Tower: Corruption. Arguments.

(KOC) + Two of swords: A logical thinker. Scientist.

(KOC) + Queen of swords: Opposites coming together.

(KOC) + Five of pentacles: Forgiveness. Learning worthiness.

(KOC) + Nine of pentacles: Creativity. Everything is blossoming. Abundance.

(KOC) + Knight of pentacles: New colleagues. A business leader.

(KOC) + Five of wands: Knowing your boundaries with others. Seeking a deep connection.

(KOC) + Knight of wands: An inner journey that turns into an outer journey. Travel to a beautiful place.

(KOC) + Queen of cups: Emotional maturity. Deepening in a connection. A spiritual connection.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of King of Wands, King of Pentacles, and King of Swords.

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