King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

king of pentacles tarot card meanings

king of pentacles

King of Pentacles Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


A business man.

Career orientated.

Middle management. Project management.

A comfortable life.

Midas touch.

Being an expert in your field.

The love of money and success.

Being at the top of your game.



Averse to changes.

Lacking people skills.

King of pentacles tarot card meanings upright

King of pentacles tarot card meanings in a general reading

King of pentacles tarot card denotes success in business. King of pentacles indicates a good provider, both financially and through giving advice and guidance. This speaks of success on the material plane.

King of pentacles on the Vision Quest

The Kings and Queens in the Rider Waite speaks of the Seeker sitting in the Seat of the Soul and they are gaining the Soul’s perspective. King of pentacles denote the Seeker gaining the highest perspective on how to operate in the material world. This is thus a very abundant card.

King of pentacles tarot card meanings in a love reading

In a love reading, King of pentacles tarot card denotes a secure and committed relationship. This card can speak of a relationship that is very abundant.

King of pentacles tarot card meanings in a career reading

In a career reading, King of pentacles tarot card signifies the Seeker has mastered something vital which provides them with success and recognition.

King of pentacles tarot card meanings as feelings

King of pentacles tarot card as feelings denotes the Seeker loves money and business. The Seeker feels the need to know what is going on around them.

Personality types in King of pentacles tarot card

King of pentacles tarot card is someone with a great work ethic who is good with both money and with people. They have great observational skills and leadership abilities. They are not afraid to have a conflict if it means getting the work done properly. King of pentacles often denote someone powerful on the material plane.

King of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed

KKing of pentacles reversed can speak of a hoarder. This card reversed can speak of someone who expects the best but lets others have the worst. Neglect of hygiene and poor lifestyle choices are sometimes indicated when King of pentacles shows up reversed. Stubbornness and fear often prevent positive change.

King of pentacles tarot card reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

King of pentacles tarot card reversed can indicate someone who lives in clutter both in his house and in his head. This card reversed can mean there are issues with providing and also with communication. This card reversed can speak of someone who pretends to be poor, especially if you also get it with Four of pentacles reversed. King of pentacles reversed people tend to internalise too much and they can come across as very insensitive. 

King of pentacles tarot card meanings summary

King of pentacles speaks of achieving on the material plane. It speaks of having the right skills and mindset to create success. 

King of Pentacles(KOP) Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot combinations including King of Pentacles(KOP).

KOP + Wheel of fortune: A financial opportunity. Winning money.

KOP + Death: An Accountant. 

KOP + Temperance: A beautiful property.

KOP + Two of cups: A prosperous relationship. A rich partner.

KOP + Three of cups: Business network. This card combination can also mean having rich friends.

KOP + Eight of cups: Investing in your dreams. This card combination can also mean you are restoring your strength and balance.

KOP + Ace of swords: Financial planning and investments. It can also speak of taking risks in finances.

KOP + Four of swords: A peaceful life. Avoiding drama by staying away from trouble. Choosing peace.

KOP + Ace of wands: Elevate one’s expectations and seeking a better life.

KOP + Three of wands: Enterprise brings financial independence.

KOP + Ten of wands: Learning the art of Great Discernment in Business.

KOP + Two of pentacles: Learning practical skills that can be used in Business.

KOP + Four of pentacles: Investing your savings.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here. 

Learn the Meanings of King of Cups, King of Wands, and King of Swords

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