King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

king of wands

King of Wands Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


A natural leader.

Ambitious and charismatic.

Good with technology.

A married man.

Entrepreneurial skills.

New and exciting projects.

Making other people feel special.

Wanting to have it all.


A brut.

A double life.


King of wands tarot card meanings upright

King of wands in general questions

King of Wands is someone who is a natural and charismatic leader. It indicates entrepreneurial skills and running new and exciting projects. In situations King of wands means leadership, commitment, getting recognition, success, and doing the things that make you tick.

King of wands in the Vision Quest

All the Kings in the Rider Waite decks speaks of having achieved union with the Soul through the seat of the soul, the Pineal gland. King of wands speaks of having accelerated the consciousness to be one again with Source while still in the body.

King of wands in love readings

In a love reading, King of wands tarot card can mean the seeker is falling in love with someone who is committed elsewhere, and they are playing with fire. King of wands can also speak of a relationship that is fun, but at times also very demanding, and other people can try and interfere with your relationship, creating some jealousy.

King of wands in career readings

King of wands tarot card signifies careers in media, technology, and business owners. King of wands often speaks of meeting someone in a career that makes work so much more fun and worthwhile.

King of wands as Feelings

When the King of Wands tarot card speaks of feelings, he is likely to be passionate, confident, and charismatic. He may be a natural leader, with a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make things happen.

King of wands as feelings speaks of feeling powerful and grateful in a wonderful mix. This is a power that heals. If you get King of wands reversed it speaks more of corruption, however, King of wands upright speaks of feeling empowerment.

As feelings, King of Wands is likely to be very passionate and romantic. He may sweep you off your feet with grand gestures and a strong physical connection. He is likely to be very affectionate and attentive, and will want to spend a lot of time with you.

However, the King of Wands can also be somewhat impulsive and hot-headed at times. He may be quick to make decisions without thinking them through, which can sometimes lead to conflict or misunderstanding. He may also be prone to jealousy or possessiveness, and may need reassurance and validation.

Overall, the King of Wands speaks of feeling on top of the world. Everything seems achievable while in this energy.

King of Wands as Personality types

King of wands is the king of cool. This is someone very exciting. King of wands people have plenty of healthy confidence. It is the kind of confidence that makes other people feel confident too. They have a real talent for making others feel special. This is someone very driven and magnetic. They have a genuine concern and consideration for other people’s well-being. They love to invest and they love to push themselves to go further.

King of wands tarot card meanings reversed

This card can often show up when someone around you has a bad temper. If not a person, this card reversed indicates red tape, fear of taking risks, and poor leadership. This card shows up reversed when the Seeker feels out of place. This card reversed can mean the Seeker cares too much what other people think. It can mean the Seeker is too vain.

King of Wands reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Sometimes, this card reversed describes someone with the habit of believing everyone is secretly in love with them. They only want to talk about topics they are interested in, which usually involves talking about themselves. On a less negative note, King of wands reversed describes being an under-achiever. It can speak of someone who hides who they really are. Sometimes, this card describes someone with the habit of believing everyone is secretly in love with them.

King of wands tarot card meanings summary

King of wands tarot card denotes natural leadership. King of wands sometimes shows up when you are interacting with authority figures. It is wise to let them help you. King of wands is also the tarot card for achieving. The best thing you can do is focus on yourself. Compete only with yourself and you will be amazed at how far you will go.

King of Wands(KOW) Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations with King of wands:

KOW + The Magician: Success in business.

KOW + The Emperor: Self-Employment.

KOW + The Sun: Parenthood. Fatherhood.

KOW + Six of cups: Your siblings.

KOW + Knight of cups: An actor.

KOW + Two of swords: A scientist.

KOW + Page of swords: An investigator.

KOW + Seven of pentacles: A farmer.

KOW + Ten of pentacles: Your father or grandfather.

KOW + Nine of wands: Being in demand. Your expertise is needed.

KOW + Page of wands: A social media expert.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of King of CupsKing of Pentacles, and King of Swords.

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