Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings upright
Knight of pentacles in a general reading
Knight of pentacles tarot card denotes being of service. This card often shows up when the Seeker begins a new job.
Knight of Pentacles in the Vision Quest
This card speaks of journeying into the mind. All the Knights speak of this inner journey. They are heading for the seat of the soul (pineal gland) seen in the Queen and the Kings. They want to gain their soul’s perspective.
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings in a love reading
In a love reading, Knight of pentacles tarot card signifies finding love when you are either changing residence or changing jobs. This card can mean finding love at work. If in a relationship Knight of pentacles signifies the couple is working hard for a better future. They might be renovating or investing in property, or they are working hard in their careers to earn more money for their future.
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings in a career reading
In a career reading, Knight of pentacles tarot card speaks of changes in the work routine. A new job will present itself which will be a move in the right direction. Knight of pentacles often denotes careers in business.
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings as feelings
Knight of pentacles tarot card as feelings denote the seeker is feeling there is a lot of responsibilities on them and they could also feel the pressure as new doors are opening in their lives.
Knight of pentacles tarot card as Personality types
Knight of pentacles tarot card is someone who is usually very kind and understanding. They are considerate and have other’s best interests at heart. They are grounded, trustworthy, and reliable, dedicated to service and sacrifice. They tend to have a love for property and get excited by the thought of owning a portfolio of investments.
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed
Knight of pentacles tarot card reversed indicates sloppiness, bitterness, and envy. Knight of pentacles sometimes shows up reversed when there are stagnation and frustration in career and financial matters. If not a person this card indicates a problem in travels, especially in journeys on foot, hiking, or cycling. Double-check your gear.
Knight of pentacles tarot card reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Knight of pentacles reversed is someone ready for a change, but could be too scared to make a move. Knight of pentacles reversed people often prioritises the wrong end of what is important. It can mean someone who has outgrown their routine. This is someone who might need a holiday or a change in their day to day routine.
Knight of pentacles tarot card meanings summary
The knights are all about changes, so when Knight of pentacles turns up in your reading it denotes changes in your work. Often this card speaks of a change of work, either as a conscious choice or as an inevitable turn of events. Knight of pentacles tarot card also denotes moving house.
Knight of pentacles (KnOP) tarot card combinations.
Some important tarot combinations including Knight of pentacles.
KnOP + Magician: Going for a promotion or job interview. Selling something. Inventing and selling. A sales job.
KnOP + Emperor: Working in a large cooperate. This card combination can also mean the Seeker wants to be self-employed or are self-employed.
KnOP + Hierophant: Working in an organisation that has strong values.
KnOP + Two of cups: Change of career brings love.
KnOP + Five of cups: A disappointing career move.
KnOP + Seven of cups: Starting an online business.
KnOP + King of cups: A promotion.
KnOP + Two of wands: Make an intuitive decision about your career. It can speak of career counseling or work agencies.
KnOP + Six of wands: Success at work.
KnOP + Five of swords: Work conflicts.
KnOP + Six of swords: Work travel.
KnOP + Nine of swords: Career regrets.
KnOP + Ace of pentacles: A new job offer.
KnOP + Five of pentacles: Helping someone less fortunate. This card combination can also mean low paid work.
KnOP + Seven of pentacles: Outside work. This card combination can also mean the Seeker wants to do more study.
KnOP + Page of pentacles: Workplace training.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here.
Learn the Meanings of Knight of Cups, Knight of Wands, and Knight of Swords.
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