Knight of Swords Tarot Card
Knight of swords in a general question
Knight of Swords tarot card denotes a communicative, strong-minded, and at times opinionated person who is very action-oriented and thrives on change. In a situation, Knight of swords tarot card describes hasty decisions and competitive environments. Things will move quickly. Communication will be at its peak, everyone has something to say.
Knight of swords in the Vision Quest
In the Vision Quest, the Knights in all the suits are travelling to the Seat of their Soul, which is the pineal gland. This is why the Queen of King sits on a throne. Knight of Swords travels to the seat seen in Queen of Swords. In Queen of Swords, she has almost achieved the goal of this suit, which is to still the mind.
Knight of swords in a love reading
In a love reading, Knight of swords tarot card indicates finding love when you least expect it or you change how you view someone. This card can speak of a relationship that between two headstrong people. It can speak of a very competitive couple.
Knight of swords in a career reading
In a career reading, Knight of swords tarot card signifies action-oriented jobs and careers involving searching for the truth. Knight of swords can also denote a soldier or war correspondent. Knight of swords can speak of work where the Seeker is on the go all the time. There could be a lot of travel involved.
Knight of Swords as Feelings
Knight of swords as feelings can denote the Seeker feels a strong need to communicate and to get their opinions heard. They don’t like being ignored. If someone hurts them, they make sure they hurt them back before they move on.
Knight of Swords as Personality types
Knight of swords as a person indicates someone very clever and intelligent. They are often talkative and opinionated. Knight of swords people often give as good as they get, and then a little extra to make sure no-one ever cross their boundaries again. This is someone who thinks quick, walks fast and often has a habit of speeding. Everything has to happen now. They tend to be impatient.
Knight of swords tarot card meanings reversed
Knight of Swords reversed can sometimes denote a lack of observational skill and attention to detail. When it is very negative, it can speak of someone who might steal information from others and take credit for their work. It can even denote someone who spreads information on the Internet to create fear and havoc. If this card is about travel it can indicate delays, especially air travel.
Knight of Swords reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Knight of swords reversed as personality types indicate someone who needs to learn to listen to others. It can speaks of someone who always try to win an argument and will quarrel so they can argue for the sake of it. On a less negative note, Knight of swords reversed can speak of someone who is unsure of their own beliefs and value system. Their old paradigms could shift dramatically.
Knight of swords tarot card meanings
Truthseeker or trouble maker? That is the question when Knight of swords shows up in your tarot cards. Knight of swords tarot card indicates someone who makes great investigators, policemen, detectives, journalists, scientists, activists; any occupation that focuses on finding out the truth.
Knight of Swords (KnOS) tarot combinations
Some important tarot combinations with Knight of swords.
KnOS + Magician: A financial opportunity.
KnOS + Chariot: A successful teacher and mentor. This card combination can also speak of a Car that is very important to the Seeker.
KnOS + Moon: Needing to recharge emotionally.
KnOS + World: Politics. Seeing and dominating a Niche market. Ambition.
KnOS + Four of cups: Being confused about love.
KnOS + Ten of cups: Being diplomatic in relationships. Wanting a perfect relationship, but finds it hard to stand up for themselves.
KnOS + Queen of cups: Ignoring negative people. Following your own rules on the road to success. This combination speaks of someone very Emotionally strong.
KnOS + Three of pentacles: Workplace manager or auditor. This combination also speaks of a karmic bond between colleagues.
KnOS + Seven of pentacles: A disappointing deal. It’s hard to save money right now. This card combination can mean now is a good time to slow down the spendings.
KnOS + Ten of pentacles: Making money. Financial investments. This card combination can also speak of material jealousy.
KnOS + Knight of pentacles: A new career/job opportunity.
KnOS + Two of wands: Wanting a better life. Moving to a better place. Reaching new heights.
KnOS + Four of wands: Protecting a way of life. Your boundaries. An authority figure.
KnOS + Six of wands: Martial art.
KnOS + King of wands: Networking in private enterprises. Life coaching.
KnOS + Two of swords: Upsetting the status quo. A newcomer.
KnOS + Three of swords: Understanding emotional wounds to heal them.
KnOS + Five of swords: Standing up to a bully. This combination can also mean you need better judgement in the company you keep.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Swords Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Knight of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, and Knight of Cups.
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