The Major Arcana Tarot Spread
The Major Arcana Tarot spread
Look at every aspect of your life.
The Major Arcana Tarot spread can be as big as 22 cards or you can shorten it to look at only the areas in your life you want a deeper insight. Basically in this spread the Major Arcana cards ask the questions about future influences and situations while the Minor Arcana cards answer them.
Lay out the Major Arcana Cards that hold the questions you want to be answered.
What to ask the Major Arcana
Fool tarot card: What new beginnings await you?
Magician tarot card: What will you be teaching the world?
High Priestess tarot card: What will be your secrets?
Empress tarot card: What (or who) will you be nurturing?
Emperor tarot card: In what area will you be in full control?
Hierophant tarot card: What will your spiritual life be?
Lovers tarot card: What will your relationship look like? If you are single your future partner will show up here.
Chariot tarot card: How will you be moving forward in your life?
Strength tarot card: What will be your greatest strengths?
Hermit tarot card: What will you be learning?
Wheel of fortune tarot card: What is your divine timing (destiny)?
Justice tarot card: What will be yours by divine right? (jobs, relationships, and property that belong to you)
Hanged Man tarot card: What will be your greatest invention?
Death tarot card: What will come to an end?
Temperance tarot card: Who is your guardian angel?
Devil tarot card: What will be your obsession?
Tower tarot card: What will you have to let go of to be more abundant?
Star tarot card: What does your future look like?
Moon tarot card: What will be your fears?
Sun tarot card: What will be your greatest joy?
Judgement tarot card: What will be your wake up call? (A-HA moments).
World tarot card: What will you end up becoming?
How to read using the Major Arcana spread
Keep the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana cards separate.
Shuffle and cut the Minor Arcana cards between every Major Arcana question.
Pull out three cards per question and read the cards in combination. If you are unsure what the cards are saying you can choose to use spreads like the Celtic Cross or pull out an extra card for clarification.