Nine of Cups Tarot Card
Nine of cups tarot card meanings upright
Nine of cups tarot meanings in a general reading
Nine of cups is the tarot card for getting what you want and having a wish come true. Nine of cups speaks of abundance and satisfaction, and also about being proud of what you have achieved. There is real emotional satisfaction, because the seeker fulfilled themselves spiritually in Eight of Cups.
Nine of cups in the Vision Quest
The nine cups in an arch speaks of the Seeker’s emotional being. In the context of the vision quest, the Seeker went deep within in 8 of cups and has renewed themselves in 9 of cups. This card thus speaks of emotional renew. The Seeker has now come out of the Vision Quest and there is full integration seen in Ten of cups.
Nine of cups in a love reading
In a love reading, Nine of cups tarot card speaks of getting what you want and feeling good about yourself. If the Seeker is single, Nine of cups can mean they are happily so. In a relationship, Nine of cups signifies a love that is deeply satisfying to the Seeker. The Seeker could be very proud of their partner.
Nine of cups in a career reading
In a career reading, Nine of cups tarot card can speak of work the Seeker is immensely proud of. Nine of cups often signifies a proud business owner. This is also the card for being content with what you do and what you have.
Nine of Cups as Feelings
When Nine of Cups appears as feelings, it often represents someone who is very satisfied and fulfilled in their life. This person may be experiencing a sense of contentment and happiness and may feel like their emotional needs are met.
Nine of Cups as a person can also indicate someone who is very confident and self-assured. They may have a strong sense of self-worth and may feel like they are bringing a lot of value to situations.
This person may also represent someone who is very generous and giving. They may enjoy making others happy and ensure that people around them are happy.
Nine of cups speaks of feeling good about oneself. This is the card for having high self-esteem and being ‘seen’ and appreciated by those around them. Nine of cups speaks feeling secure within yourself. The Seeker knows who they are.
Nine of Cups as Personality types
Nine of cups as a person is someone with all their ducks in a row and the best thing is that they earned it all by putting the effort in and investing in themselves. They like their life to look good, but they don’t stop there; it has to actually be good as well. What is the secret behind the happiness in a Nine of cups person: They know it is little things in life that give the most satisfaction.
Nine of cups tarot card meanings reversed
Nine of cups reversed can speak of a life that looks good on the outside but is hurting the Seeker in some way. The cups must be filled with what will make the seeker truly happy on a spiritual level. The Seeker could have neglected their spiritual needs when this card is reversed. Something in their life is hurting them. They might need a different approach or mindset to overcome it.
Nine of Cups as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Nine of cups reversed can speak of people who over-indulge. It can speak of a lifestyle where pleasure has turned into pain. This card reversed can speak of someone who is a late bloomer. This card reversed can mean the Seeker feels out of alight with where they live. They could dream of another time and place. This card reversed also indicates fear of abandonment.
Nine of cups tarot card meanings summary
Nine of cups denotes emotional rewards in relation to something that means a lot to you. There is a true connection to your purpose and/or the people in your life when Nine of cups tarot card shows up. More importantly, a deeper connection has been established to self. This is the card for being proud of who you are and being content with what you have.
Nine Of Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Nine of cups:
9 of cups + The High Priestess: A successful business idea.
9 of cups + The Hierophant: A performing arts company.
9 of cups + Strength: A successful marriage.
9 of cups + The Sun: A happy new relationship.
9 of cups + Judgement: Career advancement.
9 of cups + Ace of pentacles: The beauty industry.
9 of cups + Two of pentacles: Having fun at work.
9 of cups + Three of pentacles: Job satisfaction.
9 of cups + Five of pentacles: Helping someone in need. It can mean you need to take care of your health more. This card combination can also denote a true friend.
9 of cups + Page of pentacles: Pampering someone (or being pampered).
9 of cups + Knight of pentacles: A successful career change.
9 of cups + Queen of pentacles: Successful home business.
9 of cups + Three of wands: Freedom at work.
9 of cups + Five of wands: A creative group.
9 of cups + Nine of wands: Safeguarding your assets and business. Defending your career.
9 of cups + Page of wands: Success in social media. A strong personality.
9 of cups + Four of swords: A happy holiday. Meditation.
9 of cups + Seven of swords: Successful marketing.
9 of cups + Eight of swords: Image orientation. Fashion.
9 of cups + Page of swords: A smooth talker. Early success.
9 of cups + King of cups: A successful business. Sometimes it means a high-ranking officer.
9 of cups + Two of cups: A successful relationship.
9 of cups + Five of cups: Outgrowing a situation. Needing to heal from a relationship.
9 of cups + Six of cups: A happy child.
9 of cups + Ten of cups: A happy family.
9 of cups + Page of cups: A successful interview, meeting, presentation, or audition.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Nine of Wands, Nine of Pentacles, and Nine of Swords.
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