Owl Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Owl is represented by Ten of Swords Tarot Card Owl Spirit signifies endings and is traditional seen as the announcer of Death. Owl gives you a choice to be reborn within your physical body or to return home beyond the veil. Either way, things cannot stay the same. Owl helps people see an alternative way of life. Owl Spirit helps facilitate psychic

Dragonfly Spirit Animal

Spirit animal

Dragonfly is represented by Knight of Swords Tarot Card Go back to the main Spirit animal page here.  Dragonfly Spirit connects with people drawn to the fairy realm. These people often become activists, tirelessly standing up for Nature. Dragonfly signifies the ability to be serious and light-hearted at once. Dragonfly assists people to raise a ser

Orca Spirit Animal

Power AnimalsSpirit animal

Orca is represented by The Emperor Tarot Card See more spirit animals here. Orca signifies family, stability, and security in a love relationship. Orcas mate for life. Orca Spirit watches over travelers, both through spiritual and physical journeys. Orca brings Soul Family closer together. Orca also signifies the Master teacher and communicator. Or

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