The Lovers tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Lovers tarot card is love, devotion, and doing what makes us whole. Learn more about the Lovers tarot card meanings here. The Lovers in the Grand Tableau Lovers in Fool position: New love. First love. Falling in love for the first time. Lovers in Magician position: […]
The Hierophant
The Hierophant tarot card combinations The traditional meanings of Hierophant are faith, traditions, rituals, and ceremony. While the Emperor speaks about the structure holding our society together; the Hierophant speaks of our spirituality keeping us ethically and morally together. Learn more about the Hierophant tarot card meanings here. The Hie
The Emperor
The Emperor tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Emperor is structure. The Emperor denotes being in control. It can also signify a high-powered position or self-employment. Learn more about the Emperor tarot card meanings here. The Emperor in the Grand Tableau Emperor in Fool position: Employing new staff, providing for others. R
The Empress
The Empress tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Empress is Abundance. The Empress can also denote a pregnancy, being a mother, beauty, and a happy relationship. Learn more about the Empress tarot card meanings here. The Empress in the Grand Tableau Empress in Fool position: Having a baby. A beautiful baby. A beautiful child. [&h
The High Priestess
The High Priestess tarot card The traditional meaning of the High Priestess is your intuition. The High Priestess also speaks of the women in your life and secrets. Learn more about the High Priestess tarot card meanings here. Find out what the High Priestess means in a love reading here. High Priestess in the Grand […]
The Magician
The Magician tarot card combinations The traditional meaning of the Magician is talent. Magician also signifies communication. Learn more about the Magician tarot card meanings here. The Magician in the Grand Tableau Magician in Fool position: A talent brings a new beginning. Magician in Magician position: Being very skillful. The gift of the gab.
The Fool
The Fool Tarot Card Combinations The traditional meaning of The Fool is new beginnings. Fool also brings surprises and optimism to the table. Learn more about the Fool tarot card meanings here. The Fool in the Grand Tableau Fool in Fool position: An unexpected new Beginning. Fool in Magician position: Faking it until you are […]
The Major Arcana In the Grand Tableau
The Grand Tableau means the Big Picture and if you are familiar with the Lenormand card tradition you might have heard of the Grand Tableau method. The Grand Tableau is a way of reading cards where the cards fall in certain houses named after the cards to create a big picture for the reader to […]
Judgement tarot card love meanings
Is The Judgement A Good Card To Get In A Question About Your Love Life? We all want to live our lives with purpose. Many of us spend much of our lives looking for what it is that will give us purpose. Judgement is a tarot card that describes finding and living your purpose. The […]
Sun Tarot Card Love Meanings
Is The Sun A Good Card To Get In A Question About Your Love Life? Just looking at the Sun picture in any tarot deck and you will get the impression of pure happiness and bliss. It is safe to say that the Sun means a happy love life as well. For many tarot readers, it […]
Star Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Star a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Star is a very positive card in the tarot, but it is also a tarot card for unpredictable action. The Star is a card that denotes coming out of the darkness and into the light. This is a process […]
Tower Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Tower a bad tarot card to get in a question about your love life? In this series of posts, I am doing about the Tarot cards and their love meanings I usually start by asking: Is this card a good card to get in a love reading? This time, around I asked: Is […]
Devil tarot card love meaning
Is the Devil a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Devil is not all bad when it shows up in your love reading cards. It means there is passion in your relationship. The Devil speaks of love that feels like an addiction. It can be the kind of love […]
Temperance tarot card love meaning
Is Temperance a good card to get in a love reading? The Temperance tarot card is a card that speaks of heavenly love. It is an amazing card to get in your reading and it will brighten an otherwise negative card reading if it appears anywhere in the reading. Temperance in a love reading speaks […]
Death tarot card love meaning
Is Death a good tarot card to get in a question about your love life? The answer to this question depends on whether you are single or in a relationship. If you are single then the Death tarot card can mean an end to being single. Death tarot card signifies what the past as well […]
Ace of Cups and predicting how local someone is
Ace of cups and predicting someone’s vicinity. Using the suit of cups to determine if you are from the same place. I often get asked during a soulmate reading: ‘Is this person from here?’ The only suit I find accurate in determine how local someone is is the suit of cups. The reason for this is that […]
Ace of Pentacles and predicting someone’s home
Ace of Pentacles and Home Sweet Home. Using the suit of Pentacles to predict someone’s home. Ace of Pentacles speaks of our possessions and the things that give us security. Ace of pentacles often shows up in a reading to say something about our home. Because of this we can give the suit of pentacles the […]
Absent tarot cards
The Meaning of absent tarot cards Absent tarot cards in your reading can tell you heaps, some times even more than the tarot cards that are present. Here is a tutorial on how to read with absent tarot cards. Tarot is a system that can be divided into groups. If there is a lack of […]
The Tarot’s Hierarchy of Needs
Needs seen in the Tarot Cards Most of us have heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The tarot cards show a similar and strikingly insightful hierarchy of needs seen many places in its 78 cards. The first six Major Arcana cards have a strikingly similar structure to the needs seen in Maslow’s pyramid. Maslow’s Hierarchy […]
Opposing Tarot Cards
Opposite tarot cards in the deck One way I recommend studying Tarot is by learning by opposites. I had a major breakthrough in my own Tarot learning when I started studying the reversed meaning of the tarot. For example, the Death card always came across to me as a bit grim. The reversed meaning of […]
Hanged Man Tarot card love meaning
Is the Hanged Man a good card to get in a question about your love life? Yes, it is. Not because the Hanged Man is the most romantic tarot card in the deck, but because the Hanged Man gives you the ability to see something in a new light. It is a good card both […]
Justice tarot card love meaning
Is Justice a good card to get in a question about your love life? I would say yes it is. The reason is that the Justice tarot card often shows up when you are about to get what you want, and what you deserve. You might have been fighting the temptation to commit to someone […]
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Wheel of fortune a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Wheel of fortune turns up in the Seeker’s life to expand and lift up the seeker’s experiences. It often shows up when you least expect it and it creates amazing changes you might not even be ready […]
Hermit tarot card love meaning
Learn the traditional meaning of the Hermit tarot card here. Is the Hermit a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Hermit is the card for letting go of old baggage, and to move forward free from emotional attachments to the past. The Hermit denotes a new beginning in your […]
How to make your own Major Arcana Stones
This is the template I made to create the Major Arcana Stones. The Major Arcana is a system inspired in the Vision Quest. You are allowed to use this template, but please link back to this site for credit. I carve into polymer clay. I paint them black. Once the paint is dry, I use […]
Strength Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is Strength a good card to get in a question about your love life? Strength is a very powerful card to get in any question, it is the card for the nurturer and the one that will step up when everyone else is too emotionally drained to stay connected with the situation. Strength tarot card […]
Chariot Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Chariot a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Chariot tarot card speaks of self-love more than it speaks of love with another person. The Chariot is all about being able to make it on your own as an individual before even thinking about entering into a relationship. […]
Lovers Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Lovers a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Lovers card is THE Love card. This card reminds me of the song Heaven by Brian Adams. This card often shows up when your relationship is protected by heaven. This card describes love on many different levels such as […]
Hierophant Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Hierophant a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Hierophant is all about commitment. When the Hierophant shows up in your Tarot reading it denotes there is a deepening in your security in your life. If you are asking about your love life the Hierophant speaks of a commitment […]
Emperor Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Emperor a good card to get in a Love reading? The answer is yes if you are business oriented and you want to get ahead in the world. The Emperor speaks of love that both heals and hurts at the same time. The Emperor expects so much of you, both on a professional […]
Archetypal Tarot Court Cards
Archetypal Tarot Court cards and the people who harbour their energies. Archetypes Tarot court cards are models of people and their behaviour. According to Myer-Biggs personality indicator, there are 16 personality types. Interestingly there are 16 tarot court cards. Each court card is an archetypal identification of the 16 personality types. Most
Empress Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Empress a good card to get in a love reading? The answer to that question is a big yes because the Empress IS love. She is the embodiment of love and nurturing. She is caring, kind, and stable. The Empress emits so much love that she makes you believe everything (no matter how […]
High Priestess Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the High Priestess a good card to get in a question about your love life? The High Priestess loves to be intellectually stimulated. This card represents a person who needs and craves stimulating conversations, books, documentaries, people, places, and situations. In a love reading, she represents the part of you that can not handle bor
Magician Tarot Card Love Meaning
Learn the traditional meaning of the Magician tarot card. Is the Magician a good card to get in a question about your love life? The Magician is someone who gets you. He knows who you are and what makes you tick. The Magician represents the kind of relationship where you have plenty to talk about, […]
Fool Tarot Card Love Meaning
Learn the traditional meaning of the Fool tarot card. Is the Fool a good card to get in a question about your Love life? The answer is both yes and no, depending on whether you are the Fool or if you have given your heart to one. The positive about the Fool is that he […]
Zodiac Wheel Spread
The Zodiac Wheel Tarot spread The Zodiac wheel is a great spread that looks at every aspect of your life. House 1: Ruling Sign: Aries. Personality of the enquirer. House 2: Ruling Sign: Taurus. Money and material goods. Financial situation. House 3: Ruling Sign: Gemini. Short journeys, brothers and sisters. House 4: Ruling Sign: Cancer. Home [&hel
The Major Arcana Tarot Spread
The Major Arcana Tarot spread Look at every aspect of your life. The Major Arcana Tarot spread can be as big as 22 cards or you can shorten it to look at only the areas in your life you want a deeper insight. Basically in this spread the Major Arcana cards ask the questions about future […]
How to read Tarot with regular playing cards
Tarot can be read using a simple deck of playing cards. The 52 cards of the playing deck can be translated into the 56 minor arcana cards. This is how you do it. Playing cards vs Tarot cards Hearts Cups Spades Swords Diamonds Pentacles Clubs Wands Correspondence Hears/cups: Love and creativity Spades/Swords: Thoughts and conflict […]
Rune Spreads
Thor’s Hammer Spread 1. What mask do you show the world? 2. What fears are within you? 3. What are you seeking? 4. How should you best approach this? 5. What do you hope to become? 6. What is stopping you? 7. What is your destiny? 8. What do you need to learn to find […]