How to read Tarot with regular playing cards

Tarot can be read using a simple deck of playing cards. The 52 cards of the playing deck can be translated into the 56 minor arcana cards. This is how you do it.
Playing cards vs Tarot cards
Hearts Cups
Spades Swords
Diamonds Pentacles
Clubs Wands
Hears/cups: Love and creativity
Spades/Swords: Thoughts and conflict
Diamonds/Pentacles: Money and security
Clubs/Wands: Actions and passion
The same way the suits correspond between the Tarot and playing cards, the numerology on the cards also have the same meaning.
Ace ~ New beginning:
Two ~ Partnership, diplomacy
Three ~ Transition and drive
Four ~ Stability
Five ~ Change
Six ~ Harmony
Seven ~ Mystery
Eight ~ Strength
Nine ~ Leadership
Ten ~ Completion
The suits and the numerology give each card a specific meaning
Ace of Heart: New love
Two of Heart: A connection
Three of Heart: Celebration
Four of Heart: Apathy
Five of Heart: Loss/grief
Six of Heart: Pleasure
Seven of Heart: Daydreaming
Eight of Heart: Seeking truth
Nine of Heart: Satisfaction
Ten of Heart: Fulfillment
Ace of Spades: A new idea
Two of Spades: Peace
Three of Spades: Heartbreak
Four of Spades: Rest
Five of Spades: Defeat
Six of Spades: Travel
Seven of Spades: Deceit
Eight of Spades: Confusion
Nine of Spades: Worry
Ten of Spades: Endings
Ace of Diamonds: More income
Two of Diamonds: Bartering
Three of Diamonds: Teamwork
Four of Diamonds: Wealth
Five of Diamonds: Poverty
Six of Diamonds: Charity
Seven of Diamonds: Dissatisfaction
Eight of Diamonds: New skill
Nine of Diamonds: Luxury
Ten of Diamonds: Family wealth
Ace of Clubs: New enterprise
Two of Clubs: Intuition
Three of Clubs: Preparations
Four of Clubs: Community
Five of Clubs: Conflict
Six of Clubs: Victory
Seven of Clubs: Politics
Eight of Clubs: Progress
Nine of Clubs: Revolution
Ten of Clubs: Responsibility
The Court Cards Jacks, Queen and Kings can be read in two different ways: Either as real people or as a situation. In my experience they usually act both as people and situations at the same time. This is because the people in our lives creates the situations.
Court Cards
Jack of Hearts: A love interest
Queen of Hearts: A psychic/healer
King of Hearts: Leader.
Jack of Spades: Rebel.
Queen of Spades: An intellectual.
King of Spades: A professional.
Jack of Diamonds: Change of work
Queen of Diamonds: Homemaker
King of Diamonds: Middle
Jack of Clubs: Traveler/
Queen of Clubs: Artist/
King of Clubs: Leader/business owner
The Joker
Keep the Joker in the deck as it translates to the Fool and all of the Fools characteristics such as new beginnings and risk taking. It is the card of the unexpected turn of events to your advantage.