Ring Lenormand

lenormand card 25 ring

Ring Lenormand Card Meaning

The meaning of the twenty-fifth Lenormand card, ring, is a relationship. Ring also signifies a contract.

Ring Lenormand Card In The Grand Tableau.

Ring in Rider position: A new relationship.

Ring in Clover position: A lucky relationship. A lucky contract.

Ring in Ship position: Eloping overseas. Contract overseas. Long distance relationship.

Ring in House position: House contract.

Ring in Tree position: Health agreement.

Ring in Clouds position: Confusing contract. Relationship uncertainty.

Ring in Snake position: Deceitful contract.

Ring in Coffin position: Relationship ends.

Ring in Bouquet position: Happy relationship.

Ring in Scythe position: Divorce/separation.

Ring in Whip position: Relationship arguments.

Ring in Birds position: A married couple.

Ring in Child position: Custody, adoptions.

Ring in Fox position: Job contract. Married to your job.

Ring in Bear position: Financial contract.

Ring in Star position: Relationship of your dreams.

Ring in Stork position: Relationship changes. A couple is having a baby.

Ring in Dog position: Business partner.

Ring in Tower position: Government contract.

Ring in Garden position: Garden wedding. A famous couple.

Ring in Mountain position: Relationship obstacles.

Ring in Crossroad position: Separation. Multiple relationships.

Ring in Mice position: Relationship problems.

Ring in Heart position: Love relationship.

Ring in Ring position: Many contracts. Strong marriage.

Ring in Book position: Studying a contract. Secret relationship.

Ring in Letter position: Marriage certificate. Contract in the mail/e-mail.

Ring in Man position: A married man.

Ring in Woman position: A married woman.

Ring in Lily position: An older married person.

Ring in Sun position: Successful contract. Successful marriage.

Ring in Moon position: Romantic wedding. A creative agreement/contact.

Ring in Key position: Important relationship.

Ring in Fish position: Business relationship. Marrying rich.

Ring in Anchor position: Rock solid contract, long term relationship.

Ring in Cross position: Relationship worry.

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