Rune Spreads

Thor’s Hammer Spread
1. What mask do you show the world?
2. What fears are within you?
3. What are you seeking?
4. How should you best approach this?
5. What do you hope to become?
6. What is stopping you?
7. What is your destiny?
8. What do you need to learn to find your true self?
9. What is your true self?
Three Norns Spread
1. The past influencing this situation. Underlying forces which have a bearing on the current situation.
2. The present. Current situation and event taking place right now.
3. Future situation. To Change the future, look at rune 1 & 2 and see what beliefs and changes in attitude you can make to have the best future for yourself. After making a conscious decision to change you can do this spread again until the desired outcome has been reached.
The Diamond Spread
1. Past situation with a bearing on the present.
2. The near future and steps you are most likely to take at this current situation.
3. What is blocking you? Obstacles that must be overcome. Look at the limiting beliefs and thought patterns you can change to have more flow and abundance.
4. Final outcome/conclusion if continuing on the path you are on.
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