Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

seven of cups

Seven of Cups Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Your imagination.

Wishful thinking.


Learning a Healing Modality.

Having plenty of choices. 

Poor time management.

Emotional emptiness.

Escaping reality.

The internet.




Seven of cups tarot card meanings upright

Seven of cups tarot card meanings in a general reading

Seven of cups tarot card is the card for daydreaming, illusions, wishful thinking and fantasies.  The seeker might find it difficult to see clearly what is the best option forward.

If Seven of cups tarot card appears with many court cards the seeker might be influenced by what other people think they should be doing. 

Seven of cups in the Vision Quest

The cloud symbolises the mind of the Seeker. The cups speaks of the Seeker’s pursuits that did not bring him happiness. He walks away from these illusions in Eight of cups.

Seven of cups in a love reading

In a love reading, Seven of cups tarot card denotes searching online for love. It can also mean the Seeker is unsure what they want when it comes to love. They could be seeking a deeper spiritual connection and some could deepen a spiritual journey. This card can also speak of daydreaming about love and feeling it is safer to dream about it than for it to materialise.

Seven of cups in a career reading

In a career reading, Seven of cups tarot card signifies internet jobs (ie. online business), and being the ‘jack of all trades’. This card can also mean the Seeker wants a career that aligns more with who they are. The Seeker is learning about what they actually want in career.

Seven of cups as feelings

Seven of cups speaks of feeling in love with love. The Seeker loves the idea of things more than the real deal. Seven of cups speaks of being confused in regard to love and relationship. This card speaks of feeling it is safer to live in a day dream than to take chances in the day to day. The Seeker does not want to get hurt. They could be hiding away from the harsher realities of life.

When Seven of Cups appears as feelings, it often represents someone who is very imaginative and dreamy. This person may have a tendency to daydream, and they may have many different ideas for what their ideals and values are.

Seven of Cups as a person can also indicate someone who is very idealistic and may have high expectations for their partner and the relationship. This person may be looking for the perfect partner or relationship, and they may struggle with feelings of disappointment or disillusionment if their expectations are not met.

Seven of cups speaks of feeling in love with love. The Seeker loves the idea of things more than the real deal. Seven of cups speaks of being confused in regard to love and relationship. This card speaks of feeling it is safer to live in a day dream than to take chances in the day to day. The Seeker does not want to get hurt. They could be hiding away from the harsher realities of life.

Seven of Cups as Personality types

Seven of cups are the dreamers of this world. They have a very vivid imagination and can become very good storytellers. They could feel uninspired by the materialistic world and are dreaming of another time and place. Sometimes this card shows up before the Seeker undergoes a deep spiritual transformation. This card shows up when someone lives in two worlds. Their inner world often takes up most of their time. They can come across as hard to figure out.

Seven of cups tarot card meanings reversed

Seven of Cups tarot card reversed indicates the seeker’s imagination is blocked or the Seeker is escaping too much in their own mind. Sometimes this card shows up reversed when the Seeker finds it hard to relax. Their inner sanctuary could be a place of havoc rather than a place for them to replenish themselves. They could think more about their fears than what they dream of.

Seven of Cups reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Seven of cups reversed is a person who finds it hard to wind down and relax. It can speak of someone very restless. This card reversed can speak of someone difficult to get to know. It is often hard for the Seeker to open up and trust in others when this card is reversed. This card reversed can speak of someone who is easily influenced by their fears and phobias.

Seven of cups tarot card meanings summary

Seven of cups speaks of reassessing what is valuable and what is more important than material things. In your daydream, there are often moments of real clarity.

Seven Of Cups Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Seven of cups:

7 of cups + The Fool: Searching for a new beginning.

7 of cups + The High Priestess: Becoming more independent.

7 of cups + The Emperor: Simplifying your life.

7 of cups + The Star: Fear of abandonment.

7 of cups + The Moon: A creative blog.

7 of cups + Ace of pentacles: Changing your appearance.

7 of cups + Five of pentacles: Online friends.

7 of cups + Knight of pentacles: Bored at work.

7 of cups + Ace of wands: Craving a change.

7 of cups + Three of wands: Writing down your ideas.

7 of cups + Four of wands: Online community.

7 of cups + Five of wands: Rumours.

7 of cups + Knight of wands: Publishing.

7 of cups + Queen of wands: Online Entrepreneur.

7 of cups + Ace of swords: Winning against the odds.

7 of cups + Three of swords: Hurting someone without knowing it.

7 of cups + Page of swords: Avoiding boredom.

7 of cups + Queen of swords: Over-qualified.

7 of cups + King of swords: A conductor.

7 of cups + Ace of cups: Creative problem-solving.

7 of cups + Two of cups: Online dating. Unsure about a relationship. 

7 of cups + Three of cups: Online friendships. Social media. Fragile friendships. 

7 of cups + Eight of cups: Creating a vision.

7 of cups + Page of cups: A dreamer.

7 of cups + King of cups: A marketing genius. A writer.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of Seven of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, Seven of Swords. 

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