Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card
Seven of pentacles tarot card meanings upright
Seven of pentacles in a general reading
Sometimes Seven of pentacles tarot card gives you a heads up that you might not have enough to finish what you started. Work smarter instead of harder, because hard work is not always enough, and you might run out of resources if you continue.
Seven of pentacles in the Vision Quest
This card speaks of the Seeker taking stock of what is lacking in the mindset to achieve the desired outcome. They work to overcome this in the next card, Eight of pentacles.
Seven of pentacles in a love reading
In a love reading, Seven of pentacles tarot card denotes a relationship that could be under some financial strain. Their financial life style could effect how they feel in the relationship. If the Seeker is single Seven of pentacles can mean they are dissatisfied as singles but are doing little to change their situation.
Seven of pentacles in a career reading
In a career reading, Seven of pentacles denotes working outside. Seven of pentacles can mean the Seeker is not being properly rewarded for their work. They might work hard for low pay. Seven of pentacles can also mean the Seeker is a student.
Seven of pentacles as feelings
Seven of pentacles as feelings denote the seeker is feeling a bit boxed in and in need of a change. They might not know what type of change, but a change is needed. The Seeker is most likely also feeling a lack of support from others. They could feel very let down at the moment.
Personality types in Seven of pentacles tarot card
Seven of pentacles tarot card is someone who works hard, but they might not get rewarded until much later. They are often very close to the land and are drawn to working and spending time outside. They are very patient people and plant seeds for the future.
Seven of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed
Seven of Pentacles tarot card reversed indicates impatience and moving forward before the time is ripe. The seeker might have invested in the wrong projects. Rewards are delayed or not coming at all. Seven of pentacles reversed can also indicate unemployment. Seven of pentacles tarot card reversed can also denote someone who loves to study, but who finds it hard to stay in a job.
Seven of pentacles tarot card reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Seven of pentacles reversed can speak of someone with low self-worth, impatience, and an unhealthy body image. This card reversed can speak of someone who pretends everything is okay when in reality it isn’t.
Seven of pentacles tarot card meanings summary
This card often shows up when people have a need to work outdoors with animals and plants. Seven of pentacles often shows up when the Seeker is drawn towards working in solitude rather than in a team.
Seven Of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Seven of pentacles:
7 of pentacles + The Magician: Working with tools.
7 of pentacles + Judgement: End of a routine. A new approach.
7 of pentacles + Ace of wands: Nurturing a new project.
7 of pentacles + Four of wands: Outdoor work.
7 of pentacles + Nine of wands: Feeling under-appreciated.
7 of pentacles + Two of cups: Friendships at work.
7 of pentacles + Four of cups: Administration.
7 of pentacles + Six of cups: Working with children.
7 of pentacles + Nine of cups: Hospitality.
7 of pentacles + Seven of swords: Working alone.
7 of pentacles + Nine of pentacles: A well-earned breakthrough.
7 of pentacles + Knight of pentacles: Job searching.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles Here.
Learn the Meanings of Seven of Cups, Seven of Wands, and Seven of Swords.
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