Seven of Swords Tarot Card
Seven of swords tarot card meanings upright
Seven of swords in a general reading
Seven of Swords tarot card denotes someone is moving forward in less than honourable ways. There is often dishonesty connected with this card, and trying to get away with something or trying to get out of something. Seven of Sword can denote someone who hides the truth and comes and goes as they please.
Seven of Swords in the Vision Quest
The Suit of swords speaks of the Seeker going within to still their mind. The Seeker stilled their mind in Six of swords from the turbulence seen in five of swords. In Seven of swords, the mind has become active again. They still it again in Eight of swords.
Seven of swords in a love reading
In a love reading, Seven of swords tarot card can indicate trust issues within a relationship. On a positive note, Seven of swords can also mean the couple is very similar in their hobbies and interests, and they prefer each other’s company to others, and they often choose not to socialise much with others.
Seven of swords in a career reading
In career questions, the Seven of swords tarot card can denote that you are applying for work in a new company. You are taking the expertise you learned in one company to benefit another one (most likely the competition). Seven of swords in a career question can also mean careers in secret service, espionage, army, and marketing. Seven of swords can also mean the Seeker prefers to work by themselves rather than in a team.
Seven of swords as Feelings
Seven of swords as feelings speaks of the Seeker needing a lot of alone time. They feel like being alone and learn, watch, and observe the world from a safe place. The Seeker could be feeling distrusting when Seven of swords tarot card shows up. They have been let down a lot in this lifetime and they feel like being by themselves. They don’t share their thoughts and feelings with anyone at this stage.
Seven of swords as Personality types
Seven of swords as a person indicates someone who likes to operate on their own, especially at work. When Seven of swords is very negative, it can speak of someone who will hack into your email and read everything. They will read your diary and look through your phone if they get a chance. On a more positive note, Seven of swords can indicate someone with a very observant and active mind, and they are very independent.
Seven of Swords tarot card meanings reversed
Seven of Swords tarot card reversed indicates clumsiness and forgetfulness. Sometimes Seven of swords tarot card shows up reversed when the Seeker is afraid of getting into trouble even if they haven’t done anything wrong. They might be a bit paranoid and are aiming at staying under the radar.
Seven of swords reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Seven of swords reversed can indicate someone insecure about how to act or how to behave. They are often the scapegoat which make them even more distrusting of others. When it is very negative, it speaks of someone who slanders other. When it is less negative, Seven of swords speaks of someone who is an outsider, and they can’t make up their minds if they want to join a group or not. It can speak of someone who is confused and unsure about how they want to live their life.
Seven of Swords tarot card meanings summary
When the Seven of swords tarot card shows up there might be a fear of both conflict and commitment. The seeker might want to get out of anything that can lead to too much responsibility. There is escapism in this card; but not in the same sense as in Seven of cups (day-dream island). This has more to do with wanting to avoid having to answer to anyone. When Seven of swords represents the seeker, then the seeker prefers being behind the scenes. Being in the public eye is especially difficult when Seven of swords shows up.
Seven Of Swords Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Seven of swords:
7 of swords + The High Priestess: Keeping Secrets.
7 of swords + The Moon: Spying on someone.
7 of swords + Judgement: Journalism.
7 of swords + Three of wands: Faking it until you are making it.
7 of swords + Five of wands: Lack of team-work.
7 of swords + Eight of wands: Playing your own game.
7 of swords + Ten of wands: Lack of communication.
7 of swords + Knight of wands: Manipulating others.
7 of swords + Ace of cups: Taking time out to enjoy life.
7 of swords + Three of cups: Being an outsider.
7 of swords + Eight of cups: Soul searching.
7 of swords + Page of cups: Shyness.
7 of swords + Queen of cups: Hiding your psychic talents.
7 of swords + King of cups: Applying yourself in an unusual way.
7 of swords + Two of pentacles: Gambling.
7 of swords + Four of pentacles: Hiding your money.
7 of swords + Eight of pentacles: Teaching yourself an art form.
7 of swords + Page of pentacles: Distracting others with the way you look.
7 of swords + Queen of pentacles: Borrowing money.
7 of swords + Two of swords: Avoiding to take a stand.
7 of swords + Eight of swords: Going back to what you know.
7 of swords + Page of swords: Whistle-blowing. Spying.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Swords Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Seven of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, and Seven of Cups.
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