Seven of Wands Tarot
Seven of wands tarot card meanings upright
Seven of wands in a general question
Seven of Wands tarot card denotes being defensive and putting up barriers and boundaries. The Seeker is standing up for their point of view. Seven of wands tarot card also shows up when the Seeker is guided to teach.
Seven of wands in the Vision Quest
The Seeker in this card is starting to come out of the quest. The man is wearing mismatched footwear, symbolising the man’s has one foot in two worlds. He is on his way out of the quest and is still inside of his own mind, not yet fully conscious.
Seven of wands in a love reading
In a love reading, Seven of wands tarot card often means the Seeker is afraid to get hurt and is putting up walls.
Seven of wands in a career reading
In a career question, Seven of wands tarot card signifies careers in teaching, politics, and management. Seven of wands can also mean the Seeker feels a lack of support in the workplace, and they are dealing with all the demands on their own.
Seven of wands as Feelings
Seven of Wands in regards to feelings speaks of fierce determination and the protective instincts of the heart. This card suggests that someone is guarding their emotions and their connections, standing firm against perceived challenges.
They may be grappling with outside pressures, personal insecurities, or an internal struggle to balance vulnerability with self-preservation. They love deeply, but they are not quick to let their guard down.
This card reveals a battle to maintain independence and identity while navigating the complexities of emotions. They might need time to trust a situation fully, to let go of doubts, or to overcome barriers—real or imagined.
Seven of wands as feelings denotes the Seeker feels defensive. The Seeker could also be feeling at odds with their peers. The Seeker has a message to convey and knows it will stir up some controversy.
Seven of Wands as Personality types
Seven of wands as a personality type is someone who stands up for what they believe in, and their opinions often put them in the minority. They often make great teachers and believe in a fair and just society. They sometimes need to learn to choose their battles more wisely.
Seven of wands tarot card meanings reversed
Seven of Wands tarot card reversed indicates is is hard for the Seeker to stand their ground. There might be a fear of authorities. Seven of wands reversed can also mean the Seeker is unable to defend their point of views.
Seven of Wands reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Seven of wands reversed as a personality type is someone who is pushing so hard to get their points across that they are losing credibility. They could need stronger boundaries. When it is very negative, it speaks of someone who have a tendency to lose their job, alienating their friends and family, and getting themselves into trouble. When it is less dramatic, Seven of wands reversed can speak of someone who has a hard time saying no. They are afraid of not being liked.
Seven of wands tarot card meanings
Seven of wands tarot card meanings denote being in the advantage position. The Seeker is here to teach something. They also need to defend their position. This card often shows up when the Seeker needs a lot of alone time.
Seven Of Wands Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Seven of wands:
7 of wands + The Hierophant: Opposition to group consciousness.
7 of wands + Strength: Protecting animals. Activism.
7 of wands + Wheel of fortune: Being in demand.
7 of wands + The Hanged Man: Observing and bidding your time. Researching.
7 of wands + The Temperance: Management.
7 of wands + The World: Challenges.
7 of wands + Three of cups: Taking a break from friends.
7 of wands + Five of cups: Covering your tracks.
7 of wands + Eight of cups: Walking away from stress.
7 of wands + Ten of cups: Protecting your sacred space.
7 of wands + Queen of cups: Spiritual teacher.
7 of wands + King of cups: Philosopher.
7 of wands + Ace of pentacles: More responsibility at work.
7 of wands + Four of pentacles: Protecting your money.
7 of wands + Six of pentacles: Confusion about how to apply oneself.
7 of wands + Knight of pentacles: Being an all-rounder at work.
7 of wands + Queen of pentacles: Protecting your home. Putting your family first.
7 of wands + King of pentacles: Protecting your business.
7 of wands + Two of swords: Avoiding making decisions.
7 of wands + Knight of swords: Standing up for your beliefs. Fighting for what you believe in.
7 of wands + Queen of swords: A coordinator.
7 of wands + Two of wands: Waiting until the last minute before making a decision.
7 of wands + Eight of wands: Trying to slow things now.
7 of wands + Nine of wands: Getting what you want but at a price.
7 of wands + Page of wands: Attention seeker. Negative attention.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Seven of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, Seven of Swords.
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