Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

six of wands

Six of Wands Tarot
Card Meanings and Keywords:


Victory and success.

Coming out on top.

Feeling good about yourself.

Being very fortunate.

Being looked up to and admired.


Getting recognition.





Loss of reputation.

Six of wands tarot card meanings upright

Six of wands in a general reading

Six of Wands is the tarot card for popularity, progress, victory and success, and self-confidence.  This card speaks of the Seeker knowing who they are. They have integrated their personality.

Six of wands in the Vision Quest

The man on the horse symbolises the winning personality out of the struggle in 5 of wands. This is in the context of the vision quest where all the characters are the same being.

Six of wands in a love reading

In a love reading, Six of wands often denotes the Seeker is adored by their partner. If single, Six of wands can mean the Seeker will soon have success in love life.

Six of wands in a career reading

In a career reading, Six of wands tarot card signifies working on projects that attract recognition. This card can also indicate work as influencers and in advertisements. Six of wands speaks of work that the Seeker is very proud of.

Six of Wands as Feelings

The Six of Wands speaks of feeling an air of triumph, radiating themes of victory, recognition, and admiration. When this card appears, it suggests that the person you’re interested in sees you as a beacon of success—someone who exudes confidence, accomplishment, and charisma.

You could feel very proud of something that has worked out very well for you. The card shows up when the Seeker feels sure of who they are.

If the Six of Wands reflects your feelings, it reveals a deep respect for achievements and a magnetic draw to be self-assured.

In the context of feelings, Six of Wands invites you to embrace the spotlight and let your successes—both individual and shared—enhance the well being. It’s a card of celebration, signaling a situation that feels victorious in every sense.

Six of Wands as Personality types

Six of Wands as Personality type denotes someone who is in harmony with themselves. They are optimistic people who brighten things up and make everything better. They tend to be very confident and they know who they are. When things are dark they brighten things up and make everything better. This is someone who has a great reputation based on being approachable and friendly.

Six of wands tarot card meanings reversed

Six of Wands reversed tarot card signifies not getting the rewards that the Seeker was expecting. Delays are indicated. The improvement that should be made are not being made. Six of wands reversed can also speak of being feared rather than loved.

Six of Wands reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Six of wands reversed can speak of someone who has a tendency to brag and exaggerate. This card reversed can denote the Seeker having a hard time relating to their peers. This is someone who could have been very popular but fell of their high horse. When this card is reversed and describes a person, it can denote someone who craves other people’s recognition.

Six of wands tarot card meanings summary

Six of wands tarot card meanings denote success and recognition. It is easy to have confidence when everyone loves you. The conditions now are very favourable. This card shows up when the Seeker knows who they are. 

Six Of Wands Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Six of wands:

6 of wands + The High Priestess: A successful woman. Powerful woman. 

6 of wands + The Lovers: Success in love. Being with The One. 

6 of wands + Justice: Success in legal affairs. 

6 of wands + The Hanged Man: Less is more. Success in innovation. 

6 of wands + The Star: Success in media. 

6 of wands + The World: Success in education. 

6 of wands + Three of cups: Popularity. Success in social settings. 

6 of wands + Five of cups: Getting what you want and then not wanting it. 

6 of wands + Knight of cups: A confident performer. 

6 of wands + Queen of cups: Manifesting your desires. 

6 of wands + Three of pentacles: Achieving the WOW factor. 

6 of wands + Five of pentacles: Helping someone who needs you. Feeling needed. 

6 of wands + Nine of pentacles: A happy and relaxed lifestyle. 

6 of wands + Knight of pentacles: a Successful career change. 

6 of wands + Ace of swords: A brilliant idea. The Winning Formula. 

6 of wands + Nine of swords: Fear of success. 

6 of wands + Page of swords: Knowing what your strengths are. 

6 of wands + Queen of swords: A successful organiser. 

6 of wands + Ace of wands: A successful new beginning. 

6 of wands + Two of wands: Being head-hunted. 

6 of wands + Three of wands: Success in export. Success in freelancing. 

6 of wands + King of wands: Success in leadership. 

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Here.

Learn the Meanings of Six of CupsSix of PentaclesSix of Swords. 

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