Synastry Tarot Spread
Synastry (Compatibility) Tarot Spread
Have you ever wondered how you can feel like you have known a stranger forever, while others are like a complete stranger to you? In this tarot spread, we look the Synastry or Compatibility between two people. This tarot spread can be used to look at both romantic, family/friends, and business relationships between two people.
Shuffle and cut the deck while you think of the other person.
Layout the cards in the following card positions.
Card 1. Romantic and Sexual Attraction
Card 2. Similarity of Interests and Temperament
Card 3. Mutual Success and High Achievement
Card 4. Problem Solving, Communication, and Mutual Understanding
Card 5. Mutual Kindness, Friendliness, Pleasantness, and Peace
Card 6. Aggressiveness, Competition, Power, Success, or Argumentive
Card 7. Adventurousness, Surprises, Disturbances
Card 8. Shared Creativity, Imagination, and Inspiration
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