Devil Tarot Card Meanings

devil tarot card meaning

Devil Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:

Devil tarot card meanings in traditional tarot stem from its connection to both Astrology and Numerology. Devil tarot card can mean:


Being obsessed with someone or something.

The need to be in control over others

and in situations.

Making others obey you.

Being enslaved to addictions.

Lack of freedom.

Lacking faith and always believing the worst.


Being overly ambitious.

The underworld.


Avoiding temptations.

Escaping danger.

Lack of ambition.

Devil tarot card and Astrology

The Devil tarot card is ruled by Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Learn more about Capricorn on Astrograph website here

Devil in the vision quest.

If you have read my Norse Salvation article, you know that the Seeker in the vision quest only have to face the devil after they have experienced Divine Union (Temperance). The devil is not another being the way modern religion teaches. It is the Seeker’s own bad habits, fears, doubts and disbeliefs. They are able to face their own fears and the tower comes down. Then they come out of the vision quest a new person. This is symbolised by the ever increasing light in the Star, Moon, and Sun. There is full integration seen in Judgement and World. A new life awaits the Seeker. The devil speaks of our fears and how we escape ourselves in the world of materialistic desires.

Devil tarot card meanings

Devil tarot card meanings in a general reading

The Devil tarot card represents our primal desire for earthly pleasures. It also represents our fears that cause addiction and compulsive behaviour. The Devil shows up to shed light on what enslaves us, our cravings and our need to indulge.

Devil tarot card in a love reading

In a love reading, the Devil tarot card can denote love that feels like an addiction. It can also signify a couple who are under a lot of stress, such as financial burdens.

Devil tarot card in a career reading

In a career reading the Devil tarot card signifies careers with computers, administration, politics, police work, and bureaucracy. Sometimes, the Devil card can also speak of owning bars and restaurants, and sometimes it has a criminal element to it. The Devil can also mean workplace bullying.

The Devil tarot card as feelings

When the Devil Tarot card speaks of feelings, it signals a deep and complex entanglement that can feel intoxicating and challenging. The Devil represents temptation, obsession, and the darker facets of desire, and in matters of the heart, it often highlights the shadow side of love—where passion can turn into dependency, and intensity can morph into control.

When the Devil is feelings, it can speak of feeling afraid and perhaps it is a warning to be cautious. This could manifest as co-dependency, emotional manipulation, or a relationship where your values and self-worth are being compromised. It may feel as though you’re bound to the connection or a situation, sacrificing your freedom or authenticity in exchange for the illusion of love or security.

Alternatively, the Devil may reflect an attraction to situations and partners who embody the magnetic pull of the forbidden or the dangerous. While thrilling, such connections can leave you questioning whether the allure comes at too high a cost.

At its core, the Devil card invites introspection. It’s a call to examine your patterns and beliefs that trigger fear, uncovering any unconscious attachments that might be driving your choices. 

By facing your shadows, you can transform them into the light of deeper understanding of yourself. 

Devil tarot card as Personality types

Devil tarot card denotes someone who has a very strong will and often executes this strong will to gain power and control over others. This is someone who will make something happen not because it is the will of God but because it is the will of man. Devil people are very stubborn.

Devil tarot card meanings reversed

The Devil reversed can indicate a higher level of chaos and uncertainty. Perhaps the Seeker realises what chains them and they want to escape their restrictions. The Devil reversed can denote traps everywhere and the Seeker becomes passive in an attempt to stay safe.

Devil tarot card reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Devil tarot card reversed is someone who wants to change their life away from addictions and bad habits. They want to heal from their own limitations, but because the Devil is reversed, it can be difficult to pinpoint what is actually wrong. The bad actors in their lives could be hard to spot and their fears could be difficult to address. They could have bought into a lie that is hard to see through when this card is reversed.

Devil tarot card meanings summary

The Devil tarot card signifies obsessions, addictions, temptations and fear. The Devil can represent someone who is bullying the Seeker.

Devil tarot card combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including The Devil:

The Devil(XV) + The Lovers: Love obsession. 

The Devil(XV) + Justice: Criminal law. Crime. 

The Devil(XV) + The World: The Underworld. 

The Devil(XV) + Two of cups: Jealousy. 

The Devil(XV) + Queen of cups: Manipulations. 

The Devil(XV) + Four of pentacles: A hoarder. 

The Devil(XV) + Knight of pentacles: Workaholic. 

The Devil(XV) + Ten of wands: Being dominated at work. 

The Devil(XV) + Knight of wands: A bully.  

The Devil(XV) + Two of swords: Trying to please everyone, including unreasonable people. Avoiding conflict. 

The Devil(XV) + Four of swords: Restlessness. Fearfulness. 

The Devil(XV) + Six of swords: Moving away from toxic situations and people. Needing a break.

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