Tarot Cards and their Love Meanings
We are here to experience love. Due to the complexity of our human nature, many beliefs have been created about love; such as love is pain, love is hate, love is a battlefield! These are limited and twisted beliefs that stand in your way to creating amazing love in your life, whether you are single or in a relationship. The Major Arcana cards can tell you where you are in your relationship with yourself, with others and how you go about to meet your soul’s quest for love.
Click on the major arcana tarot cards and find their specific love meaning, both in a relationship or as single.
Major Arcana cards in love readings
Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Wheel of fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement, World.
The suits and their love meanings
The suits of the minor arcana also have specific love meanings.
The Pentacles: Feelings secure brings out the best in you. When you feel secure you can put your guards down and love with all your heart.
The Swords: Being understood is the most important thing to you. When someone knows how to communicate with you, you form an instant connection.
The Wands: Passion lights up the warmest feelings in you. When someone can have fun with you, you are theirs forever.
The Cups: Creativity is what makes your heart overflow. When someone can inspire you they become your muse and your most beloved person.
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