Ten of Cups Tarot Card
Ten of cups tarot card meanings upright
Ten of cups tarot card meanings in a general reading
Ten of cups is the tarot card for spiritual bliss experienced in your relationships, home, and family life. Ten of cups is about being in alignment with your true nature and everything in your life being in harmony with your higher self and purpose. Ten of cups is the tarot card for perfection and high achievements. Sometimes you will have to allow yourself to be ‘human’ and to have imperfections, as those are the qualities that make you ‘real’ and lovable.
Ten of cups in the Vision Quest
This card is similar to the World tarot card. It speaks of the Seeker’s life after a successful vision quest. The house is the mind. The people is the soul. The river symbolises the flow of consciousness towards Source. The cups speaks of the Seeker’s soul being in alignment.
Ten of cups in a love reading
In a love reading, Ten of cups tarot card denotes a relationship that will be the best you have ever experienced, much due to the spiritual connection and level of your compatibility and spiritual maturity. If single, Ten of cups can mean the Seeker is waiting for the perfect partner, and will not settle for anything less.
Ten of cups in a career reading
In a career reading, Ten of cups tarot card denotes careers in the public eye, creative jobs, and property investments. Ten of cups tarot card in a career reading can also mean the Seeker has found the perfect job. They are spiritually aligned with what they do in career.
Ten of cups as Feelings
When Ten of Cups appears as feelings, it often represents someone who is experiencing a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and happiness in their life. This person may have a strong sense of connection and harmony with their soul, and they may feel like their relationships are bringing them a sense of joy and contentment.
Ten of Cups as a person can also indicate someone who is very family-oriented and values their relationships with loved ones. This person may prioritise their family and may enjoy spending time with their partner and loved ones, creating a strong sense of community and belonging.
This person may also represent someone who is very committed and loyal in the relationship. They may have a strong desire to create a lasting and fulfilling partnership with their partner, and they may be willing to put in the work to maintain a strong and healthy relationship.
Overall, when the Ten of Cups appears as a person in a love reading, it suggests a person who is experiencing a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and happiness in their romantic life. They may be very family-oriented and committed to creating a strong and lasting partnership with their loved one.
Ten of cups speaks of feeling spiritual bliss and serenity. The Seeker feels at peace with their life and the decisions that have been made. Ten of cups tarot card denotes a couple who is emotionally mature. This is the card for emotional maturity and purity.
Ten of Cups as Personality types
Ten of cups as personality is someone very spiritual and positive, but with a tendency to needing everything to be perfect so that they can stay in their blissful state. They believe in happily ever after. This is someone who is seeking a stress-free and harmonious life. They don’t deal with toxic people and conflict very well and disassociate themselves from situations that threaten their heaven on earth. This card speaks of emotionally mature people.
Ten of cups tarot card meanings reversed
Ten of Cups tarot card meanings reversed indicates a disruption in the harmony, something or someone is making it hard to maintain the peace. The seeker might be pretending everything is still wonderful in the hope that it will continue forever. The moral of ten of cups reversed is that less is sometimes more. The harder we try, the less we sometimes accomplish.
Ten of Cups reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Ten of cups reversed people is someone whose pursuit of happiness has left them unhappy and unfulfilled. Ten of cups reversed can speak of a person trapped by their high ideals. On a less dramatic note, Ten of cups reversed can speak of someone who is searching for a deeper spiritual connection in their life. They might need to meditate more and pursue creativity in their daily life.
Ten of cups tarot card meanings summary
Ten of cups speaks of a renewal happening in your life. Your outer life might not seem to change, but there are inner changes occurring that soon filter through every part of your life. Ten of cups speaks of positive transformation through inner peace, meditation, spirituality and serenity.
Ten Of Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Ten of cups:
10 of cups + The High Priestess: This card combination can mean a strong presence from a female relative, sometimes a grandmother.
10 of cups + The Empress: A happy mother.
10 of cups + The Emperor: A spiritual organisation, could be a successful charity.
10 of cups + The Hierophant: A family-oriented business/organisation. This could mean homeschooling.
10 of cups + The Lovers: A blissful time in your relationship.
10 of cups + Chariot: Love conquers all.
10 of cups + The Hermit: A grandfather.
10 of cups + The Wheel of Fortune: A fortunate family.
10 of cups + The Moon: Unable to communicate real feelings.
10 of cups + The Sun: A happy childhood.
10 of cups + Four of wands: A happy community.
10 of cups +Six of wands: Being appreciated for who you are.
10 of cups + Queen of wands: A spiritual entrepreneur.
10 of cups + Ace of swords: Sticking together brings success.
10 of cups + Four of swords: Recouping with family. A spiritual retreat.
10 of cups + Seven of swords: Emotional marketing.
10 of cups + Page of swords: A confident person.
10 of cups + Queen of swords: A perfectionist.
10 of cups + Three of pentacles: Loving the people you work with.
10 of cups + Four of pentacles: Family security.
10 of cups + Six of pentacles: Creative talent.
10 of cups + Eight of pentacles: Nourishing your soul with learning.
10 of cups + King of pentacles: Being well respected.
10 of cups + Two of cups: Falling back in love with your partner.
10 of cups + Three of cups: A family celebration.
10 of cups + Six of cups: Wishing you were a child again.
10 of cups + Page of cups: A loved child. The baby in the family.
10 of cups + Knight of cups: Your sibling.
10 of cups + Queen of cups: Your mother.
10 of cups + King of cups: Your father.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Ten of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, and Ten of Swords.
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