Ten of Swords Tarot Card
Ten of Swords tarot card meanings upright
Ten of swords in a general reading
Ten of Swords is the tarot card for getting to the bottom of something that has troubled the Seeker. This card often shows up when there is an opportunity to end the suffering. On a day-to-day basis, Ten of swords can mean feeling depleted and tired. They could desire a complete lifestyle change.
Ten of swords in the Vision Quest
In this suit, the Seeker is on a quest to still their mind. Every 2nd card from ace to ten of swords is about stilling the mind away from troubles. This gets harder and harder as the Seeker moves up this suit, and in Ten of swords they go beyond the mind. This is symbolised by the light behind the Seeker who has restrained their mind and gone beyond.
Ten of swords in a love reading
In a love reading, Ten of swords tarot card denotes a need for renewal in relationships. This card can speak of getting to the bottom of issues within the relationship. In some cases, it speaks of a renewal. It can also speak of a relationship that has pushed the Seeker to the limit of what they feel they can cope with.
Ten of swords in a career reading
Ten of swords can also mean the Seeker is ready to retire. Ten of swords can also mean unemployment, especially if it shows up reversed. Sometimes this card also speaks of Acupuncture. Emotionally, this card can speak of work that feels draining to the Seeker.
Ten of Swords as Feelings
Ten of swords as feelings denote the Seeker feels tired emotionally and they could feel both alone and let down by the people in their lives. They could feel the need for a complete change of lifestyle and routine. This card often shows up when the Seeker finally lets go of a belief system that was hurting them. They find the strength to detach.
Ten of Swords as Personality types
Ten of swords as a person indicates someone who often finds themselves in a struggle. They could struggle with being happy. They know they need to heal, and dream about better times. This card can speak of someone who feels very let down and unsupported in their life.
Ten of swords tarot card meanings reversed
Ten of Swords tarot card reversed signifies holding on to pain. This Seeker might not be able to let go of what other people have inflicted and is feeling no support. This card reversed can also speak of the seeker feeling very threatened by something going on in their life.
Ten of Swords reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Ten of swords reversed people need to take a step back and face their fears, or at least admit that they have them. This card reversed can speak of someone who finds it hard to admit what their issues are. They believe they need to be perfect and find themselves exhausted as a result. They could be very frightened to speak up for themselves.
Ten of swords tarot card meanings summary
Ten of swords shows up when the seeker is ready to change how they are thinking about things. Their beliefs might have been proven wrong or they realise they can no longer go on the way they used to. There has to be a renewal.
Ten of Swords reversed as Personality types
Ten of swords reversed as a person is often someone so scared of failing that they live in constant terror and anger. They play mind games as a way to salvage their reputation. Ten of swords reversed people often promise the world, but due to their fears, deliver little if anything. Until they release their fears, they often let down those closest to them. They need to take a step back and face their fears, or at least admit that they have them. Ten of swords reversed indicates someone who is unable to admit shortcomings. Ten of swords reversed people feel the need to be perfect and find themselves exhausted as a result. They lack the inner substance to see what is really important.
Ten Of Swords Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Ten of swords:
10 of swords + The Fool: Re-training.
10 of swords + The Empress: Neglecting your own or someone else’s needs.
10 of swords + The Emperor: Feeling like just a number. Lost in a system.
10 of swords + The Hierophant: A spiritual crisis. Ego out of control.
10 of swords + Strength: Saving others in an attempt to save oneself.
10 of swords + The Hermit: Being emotionally unavailable.
10 of swords + The Wheel of Fortune: A quick turn to the better.
10 of swords + Temperance: A situation or person bringing out the worst in you.
10 of swords + Ace of wands: Starting a new life.
10 of swords + Three of wands: A demanding situation.
10 of swords + Five of wands: Giving up before trying.
10 of swords + Eight of wands: Escaping problems.
10 of swords + Ten of wands: Unable to keep on top of things.
10 of swords + Knight of wands: Being used as a doormat.
10 of swords + Queen of wands: Creating chaos.
10 of swords + Ace of cups: Healing the sick. Helping others.
10 of swords + Two of cups: Growing closer due to adversity.
10 of swords + Five of cups: Deep grief.
10 of swords + Ten of cups: Putting on a brave face. Not letting others in.
10 of swords + Page of cups: A pessimistic person.
10 of swords + Knight of cups: Ignoring your creative talents.
10 of swords + Queen of cups: Recovering from grief. Writing about grief.
10 of swords + Two of pentacles: Wasting money.
10 of swords + Three of pentacles: Lack of work progress.
10 of swords + Seven of pentacles: Losing interest in something that used to mean a lot to you.
10 of swords + Ten of pentacles: Restrictions and burdens.
10 of swords + Page of pentacles: Lack of independence.
10 of swords + Knight of pentacles: Unemployment.
10 of swords + Six of swords: Moving away from a bad situation.
10 of swords + Seven of swords: Hurting others without knowing.
10 of swords + Eight of swords: Deep insecurities.
10 of swords + Page of swords: Learning the hard way.
10 of swords + Queen of swords: A woman scorn.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Swords Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Ten of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, and Ten of Cups.
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