Emperor Tarot Card Love Meaning
Is the Emperor a good card to get in a Love reading?
The answer is yes if you are business oriented and you want to get ahead in the world. The Emperor speaks of love that both heals and hurts at the same time. The Emperor expects so much of you, both on a professional and personal level. The Emperor’s love comes with much responsibility because there is often a family business/role attached to the relationship. You will get more than just a romance. You will get a job role as well.
The Emperor is very strong, and more often than not this card denotes being with someone who is stronger than you. This is someone who is more worldly than you are and with a higher position in society. Being with the Emperor means standing higher in the world of social class. This both opens up options and it closes down options. If you once daydreamed what life would be like in certain circles and having abundance and prosperity you no longer have to wonder, you will live it. For some people, that means the dream loses some of its sparks. It was nice to daydream. Now it is time to become someone that is not a threat to the Emperor. Even though you are together it doesn’t mean you share the same world completely, the Emperor doesn’t let you in completely. You will always be a little bit on the outside where you will reinvent yourself. Learn the traditional meaning of the Emperor tarot card.
The Emperor in a Love Reading
The Emperor means stability and security. No one can escape life’s realities. A life with the Emperor always comes with some hard life lessons. Teachers in the shape of children, family, and friends will appear to give you lessons you about your heart. At times, you will wonder if you would have been safer with someone less accomplished. The Emperor needs to rule and often bites over more than he can chew in life, not that the Emperor will ever admit to that, and there is always so much to do and to keep on top of when in a relationship with the Emperor. Most people entering into an Emperor relationship become highly intuitive and creative in a way to keep up with everything that is going on.
The Emperor is the tarot card for the provider
The Emperor provides material comfort, but it will be your role to create emotional safety. Children are a must. A beautiful home is absolute. A thriving business will also have to be achieved with the Emperor. Did I mention you will have to learn to be a highly skilled business person? Just being you is no longer enough. You will look back at your life with the Emperor wondering what happened to the person you once were. Your achievements will make you proud, but a part of you will sit in all your abundance wondering if you missed the most important thing of all: the connection with your soul. It is a must that you keep this connection alive while in a relationship with the Emperor because otherwise this relationship will chew you up and spit you back out. You must stay strong within yourself to survive because the Emperor provides material comfort, and expects you to provide emotional solitude. You will have to be the wise one. You will have to be the nurturing one. The Emperor teaches you to be strong. You will never be the same after the relationship with the Emperor.
You will end up doing a full circle and return to your innermost sacred self, and when you reach this point you will be the most powerful one in the relationship. The Emperor (your partner) will take a step back from the spotlight and you will become the center of everyone’s attention. You will become the strongest one in the end because being with the Emperor made you strong.
The Emperor tarot card Love Meaning summary
The Emperor gives you a life of security and abundance, but you must follow the rules set by society and be devoted to your family and the family enterprise. You will always be a bit on the outer looking in while the Emperor is ‘ruling’ the world. You will enjoy the fruits of the Emperor’s labour but you are also expected to participate in a way that doesn’t feel threatening to the Emperor. The Emperor denotes a relationship where your partner is the strongest one and you will have to find your own unique self. In the end, your roles will change and you will become the strongest one, but only because you learned from the best (the Emperor).
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