The Hermit
The Hermit tarot card combinations
The traditional meaning of the Hermit is teacher. The Hermit denotes looking within for the answers. The Hermit is insightful and wise.
Learn more about the Hermit tarot card meanings here.
The Hermit in the Grand Tableau
Hermit in Fool position: New teacher. Back to school.
Hermit in Magician position: Online classes. Teaching online.
Hermit in High Priestess position: A library. Secret book. Secret teachings.
Hermit in Empress position: A retreat. Working from home.
Hermit in Emperor position: Teaching leaders. Headmaster.
Hermit in Hierophant position: A monk. A holy man/woman. Religious teachings.
Hermit in Lovers position: Love letters. Online dating.
Hermit in Chariot position: Travel to teach. Success in writing and teaching.
Hermit in Strength: Turning your passion into a book. Publishing your ideas.
Hermit in Hermit: Teaching the teacher. The teacher becoming the student. Post-Graduate studies.
Hermit in Wheel of Fortune: Meeting a teacher who will change your life.
Hermit in Justice: Legal adviser.
Hermit in Hanged Man: Teaching art and music. Retired teacher.
Hermit in Death: Transformational teachings. What you learned/knew as a child.
Hermit in Temperance: A balanced teacher, a teacher who heals.
Hermit in Devil: Teaching business skills, computer and IT skills.
Hermit in Tower: Manipulation.
Hermit in Star: Public servant.
Hermit in Moon: Writer.
Hermit in Sun: Grand-parents. Teacher for children. Happy teaching.
Hermit in Judgement: Teaching leadership, teaching politics.
Hermit in World: World teacher.
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