Hierophant Tarot Card Love Meaning

Is the Hierophant a good card to get in a question about your love life?

The Hierophant is all about commitment. When the Hierophant shows up in your Tarot reading it denotes there is a deepening in your security in your life. If you are asking about your love life the Hierophant speaks of a commitment that will make you feel secure. The Hierophant signifies the type of relationship where two people meet to discover who they really are. They can become so dependent on each other that they don’t know how to live without each other. This is the type of relationship that has every chance to go the distance. The Hierophant is, in fact, a very good card to get in regards to love, especially if a commitment is important to you.

The Hierophant provides the structure and security to go after the things in life you always wanted. You are encouraged to go after your dream, but not on your own, you are sharing a dream with your significant other. Together you will manifest something of both spiritual and material value.

Learn the traditional meaning of the Hierophant tarot card.

Hierophant tarot card love meaning

The Hierophant denotes a relationship that is effortless and easy, especially in comparison to the Emperor relationship discussed previously. The Hierophant denotes two equal parts who become successful together. The Hierophant often represents two people who are in a teaching/mentoring role and they are both passionate about sharing their knowledge with the world. They are two people who share a similar life purpose and have a special connection due to this. They encourage each other. They often end up traveling together, and they often stay very young at heart, always looking for a new experience to share with each other.

The Hierophant speaks of a non-resistance kind of relationship where you can relax. You share the same beliefs and values as each other and you don’t have to work so hard to impress the other person. You are winning even when you are not even trying. Your significant other can’t even imagine life without you, and you can’t imagine life without him/her. You are two equals who are best friends as well as romantic partners.

The Hierophant often shows up in a reading when there is a wedding about to happen. If you are asking about your relationship the Hierophant denotes a secure and stable relationship.

The Hierophant tarot card Love Meaning summary

To sum it up: The Hierophant denotes a relationship between two ‘teacher’ types who end up being like one person. They can become very dependent on each other. They are often traveling, teaching, learning, and sharing meaningful experiences. They are meant to go after a dream together. They share the same beliefs and values. This is a relationship that often ends up going the distance as they don’t want anyone else but each other.

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