The Major Arcana In the Grand Tableau

The Grand Tableau means the Big Picture and if you are familiar with the Lenormand card tradition you might have heard of the Grand Tableau method. The Grand Tableau is a way of reading cards where the cards fall in certain houses named after the cards to create a big picture for the reader to interpret. The houses hold energy similar to the card they are named after, and the cards that fall in the specific houses will, therefore, be read in combination with the houses they landed in. For example house 1 in connection with the Major Arcana is the Fool since the Fool is card number 1. The second house is the Magician and so forth. Let us say the Fool fell in the Magician’s position. That could be read as the beginning of a new talent or a new idea.
Learn more about Major Arcana tarot card meanings here.
You might want to look further into certain positions. Look at what card fell in the particular position AND where the same card fell in the Grand Tableau. The Grand Tableau is about reading the cards together. They give each other meaning.
Grand Tableau as a method in understanding Major Arcana cards
Tip to the reader: I always look for cards that fall in each other’s positions. For example, Empress falling in Star position and Star falling in Empress position. These synchronicities happen when we are meant to give those cards extra significance. Click on the cards to see the card connections.
How to Read The Major Arcana Cards
Many tarot readers struggle with the Major Arcana cards. Do they represent specific situations or subtle universal influences? By connecting the Major Arcana cards with other Major Arcana cards you will get specific information to assist your readings in the best way.
Remember: Similar to the Grand Tableau in the Lenormand card tradition; if a card falls in its own position it is intensified.
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