The Mythology of Gebo
Odin is expected to give gifts to his followers to reward them for their loyalty. He possesses a marvelous ring called Draupnir, which replicates itself into eight other identical rings every ninth night, and Odin can distribute them as it pleases him.
Interpretation of Gebo
Gebo together with the 24th rune Othala signifies a strong soulmate relationship. I like pulling out 2 runes together and reading them as a pair, and Gebo next to Othalia always gives me such joy and chills down my spine. Gebo always comes up in a reading to remind you to be honorable in your dealings with others, both in business and personal. To have grace and to recognise the beauty in the people you are in connection with. If you have promised something to someone then you must keep your words. If you get Gebo and Ansuz together than an agreement is made through the spoken word, a handshake, and later a signature and oral communication is the key to success. Ansuz and Gebo together also tell you to give generously because someone has been very generous to you in the past. Remember those who got you to where you are now, yourself included. If you are reading Gebo next to Raido, then you are going to be traveling with someone, possibly holding hands while on ‘the road’. If Gebo comes next to Nauthiz than you are only receiving what you need and there is not much extra. You don’t have much to give at this point and emotionally you are drained. Release resentment and it will turn into abundance energy. Forgive your parents and your ancestors. Thank them and bless them. See all the lower energies turn into abundance energy. Gebo is a very favorable rune to get if you are single and looking for a partner. Look at the rune next to it. If you get Isa then you need to release a past relationship and free yourself from the oaths, obligation and blessing you have made about being on your own. Make sure you are not already (subconsciously) married to God or Jesus or a cause. While on this plane we are meant to have real, physical relationships with other real flesh and blood fellow humans. Gebo is here to tell you that happiness is a choice and sharing it makes a bond between people no one can ever break.
Gebo rune meanings on a rune cloth
Water ~ A romantic gift, a soulmate.
Fire ~ Passionate love.
Earth ~ Success in business.
Air ~ Renew old friendships.