
iIsa Rune Meaning in the Elder Futhark

Isa is the third rune of the 2nd aett. The elder futhark is the oldest of the runic alphabets. It consists of 24 letters divided into 3 aetts. There are 8 runes in each aett. The 2nd aett is called Hells aett.

Isa ~ frozen, stillness, quiet, ego, getting back to basic, concentrating on self, dullness, immobility, lack of flow, temporary lack of change, control, the harshness of reality. 

Isa has no reversed aspects.

Isa means ice. 

Associated deity from the mythology: Rind

f fu uth,þ þa ar rk kg gw wh hn ni ij jï,ei ïp pz zs st tb be em ml lŋ ŋd do o

The Mythology of Isa

Rind, also called Rindr or Rinda, is the daughter of the king Ruthenians. Rinda had a child to Odin, a son called Vale. Vale was born with the sole purpose of revenging the killing of his brother Baldur.

The Meaning of Isa

It can be hard to see what is truly going on when Isa is showing up. The Seeker is often confused, perhaps they have seen too much or too much of the same thing (snow blindness). Perhaps they can’t see the clear ice on the road, the most dangerous ice there is. The world view of the seeker is out of shape when Isa is showing up. They need to see more clearly. They need to challenge their fears. Perhaps what the Seeker really needs to do is to explore their creativity. Remember, Ice is unique and artistic. It creates shapes and it can be shaped as well. It is art done by nature. And we can participate. Isa can be a sign that the Seeker needs to use their energy to create. To do this, they must make room for their creativity. Too much stillness or passivity can be draining as well. When Isa is showing up, the Seeker is being guided to new territory. They need to expand on their experiences. In decisions about love, have a cool head, but a warm heart.

Isa rune meaning on a rune cloth

Water ~ Things are cooling off. Wait for a better result.  

Fire ~ Great transformation, often due to the influence of someone special.  

Earth ~ You are noticing the cracks in a situation.

Air ~ Stillness and beauty go hand in hand. Take this time to create a masterpiece.