The suit of cups in the Grand Tableau

Ace of cups tarot card

The Suit Of Cups In The Grand Tableau Method

The connection between the tarot cards can best be seen using the Grand Tableau method. The Grand Tableau is more commonly used in the Lenormand card tradition, however, it can be applied to tarot cards as well. The suit of Cups in the Grand Tableau looks at the connections between all the tarot cards in the suit of cups. The suit of cups speaks of our emotional needs and well-being.

Always look at the cards that fall in their own position with interest as these cards give extra significance to the reading. Also, pay attention when cards cross over and fall in each other’s position. These synchronicities happen for a reason to give the reader information about where to focus the reading. The answer to your question often lay within these synchronicities.

Another thing to remember is to look at the cards that are relevant to the questions. If you are asking about having a baby and falling pregnant I would look at what card fall in Ace of cups position. If you are asking about falling in love I would look at the card that falls into Two of cups position.

Learn more about what the Suit of Cups means in a tarot card reading here. 

Ace of cups tarot card

Two of cups tarot card meanings

Three of cups tarot card meanings

Four of cups tarot card meanings

Five of cups tarot card meanings

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Seven of cups tarot card meanings

Eight of cups tarot card meanings

Nine of cups tarot card meanings

Ten of cups tarot card meanings

Page of cups tarot card meanings

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How to read the suit of cups

The suit of Cups in the Grand Tableau is best used when the seeker wants to know about love questions, emotional well-being, spirituality, and creativity.

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