The Suit of Pentacles in the Grand Tableau

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings

The Suit Of Pentacles In The Grand Tableau Method

The suit of Pentacles shows up to speak about how we are serving the Earth. Our efforts will be greatly rewarded and our security will be protected when we are aligned with our true nature. The connection between the Pentacles Tarot cards can be used to examine our well-being from a financial and well-being perspective. On the Maslow hierarchy of needs, the Pentacles speak of our more basic needs, such as food and shelter. You can be the richest person on the planet and still be low on the Maslow hierarchy if you have not challenged your beliefs about money and security, life and death.

Learn more about the Suit of Pentacles tarot card meanings here. 

The Pentacles will fall in a specific position to create a tarot card connection which speaks of how you are currently going in your life. The rule is: look for cards that fall in its own position with great interest. Also, pay attention when cards fall in each other’s positions. Tarot is all about synchronicity. In fact, it is the Law of Synchronicity that creates the uncanny accuracy in your card readings.

Always look at the cards that are relevant to your questions. For example, if you are you asking about inheritance then look at what card falls in the Ten of pentacles position. Also, look where Ten of pentacles lands. 

Ace of pentacles tarot card meanings

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How to read the suit of Pentacles

The suit of Pentacles examines the Seeker’s relationship with money, security, and their health.

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