The Suit of Swords in the Grand Tableau

Ace of swords tarot card

The Suit Of Swords In The Grand Tableau Method

The swords are all about communication and how people relate to others, and how people deal with conflict and stress. A common method to look at connections between the cards is the Grand Tableau. Most people are familiar with the Grand Tableau in relation to the Lenormand cards. The Grand Tableau works beautifully on the Tarot as well. Since there are more Tarot cards than there are Lenormand cards it can be useful to separate the deck into the Major arcana cards and the Suits. The suit of Swords in the Grand tableau looks at how things are going in the area of the Seekers’ career and ambition. It also speaks of how the Seeker is relating to others and if they are keeping good company. The suit of Swords is often used to look into the seeker’s beliefs and subconscious programming. The suit of Swords encourages the seeker to change their mindset to be more peaceful and harmonic.

Learn more about the Suit of swords tarot card meanings here. 

Always look at the cards that fall in its own position with extra interest as these cards add to the significance of the reading. Also, pay attention when cards cross over and fall in its others position. These synchronicities happen for a reason to give the reader information where to focus the reading. The answer to your question often lay within these synchronicities.

When you look at the Swords in the Grand Tableau focus on what you want to change in your life. For example, if you are having conflicts with people look at what cards are falling into the Five of Swords position and also look at where the Five of Swords tarot card lands. 

Ace of swords tarot card

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How To Read The Suit Of Swords

The suit of Swords in the Grand Tableau is best used when the seeker wants to change their mental attitudes to achieve a higher quality of life.

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