The Sun
The Sun Tarot Card
The traditional meaning of the Sun tarot card is Success. The Sun speaks of making good decisions, vitality, clarity, and truth.
Learn more about the Sun tarot card meanings here.
The Moon in the Grand Tableau
Sun in Fool position: A happy new beginning. A happy child/childhood.
Sun in Magician position: A clear mind. New talents.
Sun in High Priestess position: A strong intuition.
Sun in Empress position: Motherhood. A happy family.
Sun in Emperor position: A successful career/business.
Sun in Hierophant position: A happy marriage/relationship.
Sun in Lovers position: Love at first sight. Being in love.
Sun in Chariot position: Confidence. A fun trip/holiday.
Sun in Strength: Finding your passion in life.
Sun in Hermit: A soulful friend.
Sun in Wheel of Fortune: Your divine timing.
Sun in Justice: Truth that brings peace.
Sun in Hanged Man: Storytelling. Book writing.
Sun in Death: Closure brings happiness to the Seeker.
Sun in Temperance: Peace and tranquility bring happiness to the Seeker.
Sun in Devil: Overcoming a fear.
Sun in Tower: Letting go of a limiting situation.
Sun in Star: Healing from the past.
Sun in Moon: A successful artist. Being connected to your feelings and healing from fear.
Sun in Sun: Vitality and happiness.
Sun in Judgement: Connecting to your higher self. A strong connection to self.
Sun in World: Confidence.