Three of Cups Tarot Card
Three of cups tarot card meanings upright
Three of cups in a general reading
Three of cups is the tarot card for celebration, going out with friends, having a good time, and being part of a community. This card often shows up when someone is getting engaged or married. This card is also about happiness and abundance. There is enough for everyone. Sometimes this card shows up in a reading when you are starting to really love and appreciate the beauty of life, and the people in your life.
Three of cups in the Vision Quest
This card speaks of the Seeker coming out of the Vision Quest. There is celebration as the Seeker connected to their own Soul in Two of cups. In Four of Cups, a new Vision Quest begins.
Three of cups in a love reading
In a love reading, Three of cups tarot card speaks of happy times for the couple where they have plenty to celebrate. If the Seeker is single, Three of cups can mean they will meet someone at social occasions.
Three of cups in a career reading
In a career reading, Three of cups tarot card signifies work-related events and colleagues who also are your friends. Three of cups can also denote fun jobs in hospitality, tourism and event planning. Three of cups speaks of work where there is a strong bond between colleagues.
Three of cups as feelings
Three of Cups represents a joyful and celebratory energy. It is a card of community, friendship, and social connections. If this card appears as feelings, it suggests happiness, harmony, and support from your friends and family.
This card also represents a sense of emotional fulfillment and contentment. You are likely to feel emotionally satisfied, especially in social settings.
Three of cups as feelings speaks of joy and well-being. This is love that wants to be celebrated, either through social activities or through traditions. Three of cups speaks of adoration. This card speaks of feeling hopeful and optimistic. The Seeker is celebrating.
Three of Cups as Personality types
Three of cups as a person indicates someone affectionate and fun. They are often known for their beauty and style, and they turn heads wherever they go. They tend to always land on their feet and make new friends wherever they go.
Three of cups tarot card meanings reversed
Three of Cups tarot card reversed can indicate celebration gone wrong, jealousy, and unhealthy competition. The seeker might be avoiding social occasions due to these issues and there is a possibility that there is some social angst at play. There might be over-indulgence as well when this card shows up reversed.
Three of Cups reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Three of cups reversed can speak of someone with a troublesome past which clouds their perception of their present circumstances. They could feel depressed after being betrayed or by betraying others. They need to go into the energy of Two of cups and become their own best friend.
Three of cups tarot card meanings summary
Three of cups tarot card is all about sharing with the people you love the most. It is similar to the Four of wands tarot card in a sense that something is being celebrated. In the Three of cups, the anticipation is high. Friendships and love are in focus when the Three of cups tarot card shows up.
Three Of Cups Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Three of cups:
3 of cups + The Fool: Celebrating a new beginning. A University party.
3 of cups + The Magician: Meeting your soul mate at a party.
3 of cups + The Empress: Celebrating abundance and fertility. Work in the beauty industry.
3 of cups + Strength: Being the heart of the group.
3 of cups + Destiny: A lucky occasion. Winning in competitions.
3 of cups + The Moon: Nightlife. A secret party.
3 of cups + The Tower: Arguments in a social group. This card combination can speak of the Military.
3 of cups + Ace of pentacles: Business partners. New friends/connections.
3 of cups + Two of pentacles: Bartering in hospitality.
3 of cups + Three of pentacles: Work party. Colleagues being your friends.
3 of cups + Five of pentacles: A clouded vision for the future. Unhealthy lifestyle.
3 of cups + Seven of pentacles: Garden party. A market.
3 of cups + Knight of pentacles: Celebrating a career milestone.
3 of cups + Two of swords: Being the diplomat in the group.
3 of cups + Nine of swords: Social angst.
3 of cups + Knight of swords: A military man.
3 of cups + King of swords: Restaurant owner. A chef.
3 of cups + Four of wands: A joyful community group.
3 of cups + Six of wands: Popularity.
3 of cups + Ten of wands: Work hard/Play hard.
3 of cups + Two of cups: A wedding or engagement party.
3 of cups + Five of cups: Avoiding social occasions.
3 of cups + Eight of cups: Overindulgence.
3 of cups + Knight of cups: A proposal. A romantic gesture.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meaning of Three of Wands, Three of Pentacles, and Three of Swords.
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