Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

two of pentacles

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card
Meanings and Keywords:


Juggling finances and demands.

Working two jobs. The ups and downs of life.

Playing with money.

Doing something you enjoy. Turning a hobby into a career. 

Having fun at work. 

Winning even if you haven’t put much effort in.

Working on many projects to avoid boredom.



Losing documents.

Outgrowing your job.

Two of pentacles tarot card meanings upright

Two of pentacles tarot card meanings in a general reading

Two of Pentacles tarot card symbolises juggling with finances. You might have income from more than one source. Two of Pentacles also indicates investing money into different projects or bartering. Sometimes this card means you are stretching your money to reach as far as possible OR that you are playing with money. Two of pentacles tarot card often shows up when the Seeker is having fun at work or are in the process of turning a hobby into a career.

Two of pentacles in the Vision Quest

Two of pentacles speaks of the beginning of the Vision Quest where they begin to sense the presence of Divinity (the ocean behind them). They are about to travel on the boats (their awareness) deep within themselves.

Two of pentacles in a love reading

In a love reading, Two of pentacles signifies the ups and downs of a relationship. This relationship might go in circles rather than move forward. If the Seeker is single Two of pentacles can denote the Seeker being too stuck in their way to adapt in a relationship. Two of pentacles can mean the Seeker has been single for a while.

Two of pentacles in a career reading

In a career reading, Two of pentacles tarot card speaks of turning a hobby into a career. The Seeker might be part self-employed. Two of pentacles also speak of careers in linguistic and literacy.

Two of pentacles as feelings

Two of pentacles as feelings speak of the seeker feeling joyful and relaxed. They most likely feel like taking things easy.

Two of Pentacles as Personality types

Two of pentacles as personality types is someone who seems to always be playing rather than working. They make everything look so easy and effortless. They are always going with the flow in life and can do with very little money as well as manage great wealth. Two of pentacles people often have several sources of income, and they often work towards turning a hobby into a career.

2 of pentacles tarot card meanings IMTarot
2 of pentacles

Two of pentacles tarot card meanings reversed

Two of Pentacles tarot card reversed indicates the seeker is unable to juggle the demands of life. He loses sight of his finances and the practical aspects of life. Two of pentacles tarot card reversed often shows up when the seeker has out-grown a career or work path and must look at something new.

Two of pentacles reversed as Personality types

The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person. 

Two of pentacles reversed as personality type can speak of someone who has problems taking responsibility for their life and want others to make decisions for them. Two of pentacles reversed is someone who could find it hard to concentrate. They could be ignoring the advice from their higher selves.

Two of pentacles tarot card meanings summary

Two of pentacles tarot card meanings often denote someone turning a hobby into a career. They are still working in their ‘day jobs’ and are investing time, money, and efforts to realise their dreams. Prepare yourself for greatness; practice and educate yourself to better your prospects. When the time is right you will step out and claim your prize. 

Two Of Pentacles Tarot Card Combinations

Some important tarot card combinations including Two of pentacles:

2 of pentacles + The Hierophant: Budgeting. Part-time study. 

2 of pentacles + The Hanged Man: Financial setbacks. 

2 of pentacles + Death: Outgrown your career. 

2 of pentacles + The Tower: Emotional outbursts. 

2 of pentacles + Judgement: Creative work. 

2 of pentacles + Ace of wands: Working with tools. 

2 of pentacles + Four of wands: Community work. 

2 of pentacles + Page of wands: Youth work. 

2 of pentacles + Queen of wands: Wanting more financial freedom.

2 of pentacles + Three of cups: Entertainer. Hospitality work. 

2 of pentacles + Six of cups: Feeling at home at work. 

2 of pentacles + Nine of cups: Self-management. 

2 of pentacles + King of cups: Advisory. 

2 of pentacles + Ace of swords: Seeking new challenges. 

2 of pentacles + Two of swords: End of habits. 

2 of pentacles + Ten of swords: End of a career path. 

2 of pentacles + Queen of swords: Multilingual. 

2 of pentacles + Six of pentacles: Talent as an entertainer. A fun job. 

2 of pentacles + Seven of pentacles: Outside work. Student.

Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Pentacles here.

Learn the Meanings of Two of Cups, Two of Wands, and Two of Swords Here. 

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