Two of Swords Tarot Card
Two of swords tarot card meanings upright
Two of swords in a general reading
Two of Swords is the tarot card for compromise, passiveness, keeping the peace, and meditation. Two of swords can speak of those things that can be proven and measured, things that can be used as evidence.
Two of swords in the Vision Quest
In the suit of swords, every 2nd card from Ace of swords to Ten of swords show the Seeker stilling their mind. The Seeker in Two of swords still their mind from the activity seen in Ace of swords.
Two of swords in a love reading
In a love reading, Two of swords tarot card denotes the Seeker wants to be equal in a relationship, and they avoid conflicts to the best of their ability. Sometimes Two of swords denotes the Seeker is unable to see a suitable partner who is right in front of them.
Two of swords in a career reading
In a career reading, Two of swords tarot card indicates legal work, work in peacekeeping and diplomacy. Two of swords in a career reading speaks of cooperation. Two of swords can also signify a hairdresser. This card speak of someone who prefer a drama free workplace. They value peace.
Two of Swords as Feelings
When Two of Swords speaks of feelings, it can indicate the Seeker wants more peace and quiet. Perhaps they delay a decision that needs to be made.
They may be feeling conflicted, torn between their heart and their mind, unable to see a clear way forward. They may also be hesitant to open up and communicate their feelings, fearing rejection or vulnerability.
They may need time to heal from past hurts or to figure out what they truly want. They could be a mystery to those around them, not revealing their feelings.
Two of Swords suggests a need for clarity and balance in matters of the heart. It encourages the person to trust their intuition.
Two of swords as feelings can mean the Seeker feels they need to bring in more peace and serenity into their life. This is someone who needs quiet time and they often enjoy mindfulness and meditation.
Two of swords as Personality types
Two of swords as a person is someone who seeks harmony in relationships and situations. They find it hard to function if there are confrontations and/or unresolved issues causing toxic undercurrents in their environment. Two of swords as a person denotes someone who need things to be very balanced and work hard towards keeping and/or restoring peace around them. They tend to be very private people.
Two of swords tarot card meanings reversed
Two of Swords tarot card reversed indicates conflicts are unavoidable and compromises are not reached. The seeker might be exhibiting too much personality and creates drama just to have something to do. This card often shows up reversed when there is a lot of talks and little action. There are information overload and confusion.
Two of swords reversed as Personality types
The reversed meanings of the tarot cards often speaks of the Seeker acting out due to being under a lot of stress. This can bring out the shadow aspect of the person.
Two of swords reversed people often have a hard time knowing who to trust. When it is very bad, it denotes someone who lack tact and end up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong people. When it is less dramatic, Two of swords reversed people is someone who finds it hard to relax and who always needs to be doing something. Something is blocking their harmony. This card indicates someone who is chaotic and at times very confrontational.
Two of swords tarot card meanings summary
Two of swords tarot card meanings denote staying as objective and detached as possible. In a career question, it is a good card to get as it denotes you have the skills to get the job done, and you will be learning new skills with ease.
Two Of Swords Tarot Card Combinations
Some important tarot card combinations including Two of swords:
2 of swords + The Fool: Clarity. Following a set of rules.
2 of swords + The High Priestess: Clairaudience. Hearing Spirit. Trusting intuition.
2 of swords + The Empress: Hairdresser. Beauty.
2 of swords + The Lovers: Blind love.
2 of swords + Temperance: Angel intuitive.
2 of swords + Ace of wands: Researching.
2 of swords + Three of wands: The legal side of an enterprise. Facts and numbers.
2 of swords + Two of cups: Acting uninterested.
2 of swords + Four of cups: Administration. Writing.
2 of swords + Five of cups: Unnecessary drama.
2 of swords + Seven of cups: Living in your head. Creating an imaginary world.
2 of swords + Knight of cups: Avoiding getting emotionally attached.
2 of swords + Ace of pentacles: A logical business decision.
2 of swords + Two of pentacles: Restructuring a business. Reconstructing your life.
2 of swords + Six of pentacles: Peacekeeper. Helping those who need it the most.
2 of swords + Eight of pentacles: Designing.
2 of swords + Three of swords: Withholding love.
Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Swords Tarot Cards Here.
Learn the Meanings of Two of Wands, Two of Pentacles, and Two of Cups.
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